Main Elements of Civilization in Modern Society

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Main Elements of Civilization in Modern Society

Focusing on modern society, This essay will identify and discuss the key elements that define a civilization, including technology, governance, culture, and social structure. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Civilization.

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Civilize, to bring to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be to be more advanced. Civilization, a stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced. There are five key elements of civilization: centralized government, religion, jobs and/or social classes, arts and writing. Centralized government is the giving of power to a central body or small group of individuals, which is responsible for ensuring the proper function of the economy and all other governing bodies.

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Religion being the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, usually in a form of God. Social classes, the division of people in a society by job or economic standards. Arts and writing could go under one main topic but some form of expression or communication. The Paleolithic, Neolithic and Mesopotamian civilizations are civilized. They each show the five key elements of civilization.

We have found that Paleolithic societies, around 10,000 BCE, were in fact civilized. We know this because they transmitted their cultural information to their later generations. That way there story could be shared or known. These people were the early stages of the human race but they still had the basic knowledge to start a civilization. They performed rituals for their loved ones when they died. Showing love and compassion towards others. They did not follow a religion like Christianity or Judaism but their "Religion" was more ritual, spiritual, mythology and magical. They also had some form of government. Things were set in place and rules were followed to keep things organized. The Paleolithic societies focused on staking out their territory and negotiating relationships with nearby communities. Art is also a part of the making of a civilization. People made painting also known as hieroglyphics on cave walls. They make carvings out of bone, ivory or antler. These people while still being some the earliest stages of human life came up with a form of language making things like trade possible . Scientists know this because they have found items in place from which they did not originate. Some may say that they were still in the early stages of human existence but they were still civilized. From all of these attributes we can see that the paleolithic people were in fact civilized.

When thinking of the Neolithic Revolution most people think about Stonehenge or the remnant of. This being one of the most iconic structures in Europe. The Neolithic time period, being around 3000 BCE, led the way for advancements in the way we grow crops and raise animals. Rather than relying on hunter gatherers the Neolithic people focused more on a way of producing or making their own food. Instead of having everyone focus on food like the Paleolithic people did Neolithic people had farmers so other people could do other jobs. Once the process of starting big crops and raising animals was formed it was easier for a food surplus to occur helping with trade. Over time the little forms of government turned into more of a complex social hierarchy. As populations grew societies became more complex. These forms of complexity included: having a dense population, an agriculture-based economy, a social hierarchy, a division of labor and specialization, a centralized government, monuments, record-keeping and writing, and complex systems of belief. The hierarchies were formed by roles administrators, farmers and spiritual leaders.

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Main Elements of Civilization in Modern Society. (2020, Jan 26). Retrieved from