Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr. and Muhammad Ali

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The guy is practically a shining star, “A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.” His name, “Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.” was otherwise known as Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali was a brave man, he stood up for what was right and also took a lot of heat and risks from time to time.

Muhammad Ali was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky. Ali was born and here, and stayed for 52 years. He had 4 brothers and 1 sister. He was named greatly after his father, “Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr.

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” who lived from 1912-1990. Muhammad Ali’s mother was Odessa O’Grady Clay. Muhammad Ali’s great great grandparents were named John Clay and Sallie Clay.

Muhammad Ali died leaving behind 9 kids. it could be possible that Muhammad Ali may actually have 10 kids as a woman named Kiiursti Mensah Ali claims to have proof in a paternity test. Muhammad Ali was married four times, the first marriage was very short with no kids. Then during his second marriage, he had four children, Maryum (who was born 1968), twins Jamillah and Rasheda (who were born 1970), and Muhammad Ali, Jr. (who was born 1972). On the third marriage, Ali had an affair with his wife. Then on the fourth marriage, they had two kids, Hana, and Laila Ali.

Muhammad Ali grows up to be, a great American professional boxer, a philanthropist, and an activist. Muhammad Ali started boxing in 1954 and retired from lightweight boxing in 1981. When he retired from lightweight boxing he then started heavyweight boxing. Muhammad Ali fought 61 total fight during his boxing career, of the 61 he lost 5 and won 56 and 37 of those fighters were won by K.O’s. He was known for trash-talking, and often free-styled with rhyme schemes and spoken word poetry, anticipating elements of rap and hip hop music. Muhammad Ali’s mother Odessa Clay was a domestic helper. Muhammad Ali’s father, “Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr.” was a sign and billboard painter.

Muhammad Ali was a greatly famous and rich person, he even has his own famous quotes like “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”” Like in this quote he mentions taking risks supports in my intro ph. where I said he takes a lot of heat from time to time. See I’m inspired by most of Muhammad Ali’s quotes because they actually have meanings that can help you in life. Muhammad Ali retired with a net worth of $80 million dollars which would explain him needing bodyguards, to be honest, no one ever really knew whether Muhammad Ali had bodyguards or not. “Muhammad Ali became famous by taunting his opponents and bragging about his own abilities.” Muhammad Ali was also most famously known for the fight no one thought he had the chance of winning, the fight was named “The Rumble in the Jungle,” this was one of the most legendary fights of his career. Muhammad Ali was 32 at the time of the fight. Muhammad Ali went up against 25-year-old George Foreman.

Muhammad Ali started boxing at the age of 12. When he became 18, at the 1960 Summer Olympics light heavyweight division he earned his very first gold medal. In, 1960 later in the year Muhammad Ali became a professional boxer. He was arrested, found guilty of draft evasion, and stripped of his boxing titles. “He appealed the decision to the Supreme Court, which overturned his conviction in 1971.” Muhammad Ali then became the most popular leading heavyweight boxer of the 20th century. He was and still is the only three-time lineal champion of the heavyweight boxing division. “Ali is the only boxer to be named The Ring magazine Fighter of the Year six times.” Muhammad Ali was ranked the best Heavyweight boxer of all time.

Muhammad Ali was greeted third best athlete of the 20th century. Muhammad Ali was involved in a handful of historical boxing matches. A few of his closest boxing matches were with Joe Frazier, such as the Thrilla in Manila and his fight with Rumble in the Jungle which is “arguably the greatest sporting event of the 20th century” this fight attracted an estimated world record television audience of 1 billion viewers worldwide. That was a world record because there were so many people on a channel at one time. Like what I said before Muhammad Ali was known for trash-talking, and often free-styled with rhyme schemes and spoken word poetry. Muhammad Ali was such a good boxer it allowed him to talk this trash about people and fights because what he says is true, pretty much anyone you put him up against he will most likely win the fight.

In my opinion, after doing all this research about Muhammad Ali I found out that he was a really good man caught in a half bad life. Everything he did he did with pride and I personally wish he had lived longer than he did. He wrote a book about him and his daughter Hana Ali, and here is one of the most lovely quotes from the book. “During my boxing career, you did not see the real Muhammad Ali. You just a little boxing. You saw only part of me. After I retired from boxing my true work began. I have embarked on a journey of love.”

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Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr. and Muhammad Ali. (2019, Jun 22). Retrieved from