Brexit in History

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Updated: Mar 14, 2023
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The European Union consists of four key institutions. One of these key institutions would be the ‘Council of the European Union’. In this council, there are representatives from the governments of all the countries taking part in the European Union. This group of representatives speaks on laws and adopts them and they also coordinate European countries’ policies. The European Union also consists of the ‘European Parliament.’ This group of 751 members either approves or rejects laws that the Council of proposes. Another key institution of the European Union is ‘The European Commision.

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’ This association has a commissioner for each country that is a member of the European Union. This team of commissioners has the role of administering the funding that Europe spends and executes new laws. The commision group also speaks for all 28 of those countries. Lastly is the European Court of Justice. The European Court of Justice handles arguments between different parties and makes sure that law is applied the same way in all the member countries. The court consists of a judge from each country plus 8 Advocate Generals. This is how the European Union works.

On Thursday, June 23, 2016, there was a vote called a referendum that took place in Europe. On this referendum, you would have voted for ‘Brexit’ or ‘Remain.’ Brexit is the combination of two words, Britain and exit. This meant that citizens who were of age to vote could vote for Britain ‘exiting’ the European Union or for the nation to remain in the union. Brexit ultimately won with a percentage 51.9% while remain had a percentage of 49.1%. More than 30 million people had voted with the turnout of the vote being 71.8%. Because of the Lisbon Treaty, Britain and the European Union will have a full two years before the separation to agree with the terms. Since this was processed on March 29, 2017, it will occur two years after which will take place on May 28, 2019.

In the Protestant Reformation that we learned about, there being different beliefs in each state whether it was politics, economics, and religion. The Brexit is similar to this piece in history. Since the United Kingdom does not believe in the European Union, it will be separating itself from the other nations like how a Calvinist state would be separate from a Lutheran state in the Protestant Reformation.

In my opinion, I think that Britain leaving the European Union is a pointless move for the United Kingdom. After the Brexit occurs, it is only going to make it more difficult for the UK And the EU to trade because of trade barriers and for travel because, with all the nations unified in one union, the nations are somewhat borderless and that allows for free travel. Even though it costs money to help other nations in their time of need, when your nation needs help, other nations will help you in your time of need. The European Union has also created peace for these nations by reducing conflicts between these countries. There may be more conflicts between the European Union and the United Kingdom after Brexit occurs. I think that it is better to be part of one big unified community instead of being separated from it because you benefit more from being in a group than being alone in my opinion.

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Brexit in history. (2020, May 14). Retrieved from