Immigration in the UK: Analyzing the Consequences

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As far as I’m concerned, I should give information about what Brexit is. What is the European Union? Before I asked that question about why did the UK vote for Brexit in this essay.

Distinction between the Euro and the European Union

First, it is important to recognize the difference between the euro and the European Union. The European Union is a political and economic partnership that began with six founding members after the Second World War in order to promote economic cooperation.

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With 28 members, the EU has gradually expanded. The theory was that nations working together were less likely to go to war. The European Union Treaty specifies that any European country will apply for membership if it is dedicated to the adoption of those principles and supports the EU’s democratic values. Countries that wish to join must have functional structures that guarantee independence, a functioning market system, and a capacity to successfully meet and enforce membership obligations. The new Member States must negotiate financial and transitional arrangements. The EU has its own currency, the euro, used by nineteen Member States. In 1999, the euro became the second most traded currency after the US dollar. The euro has also been adopted by some sovereign states outside the EU as well as many territories, departments, and countries of the eurozone.

Genesis of the Brexit Campaign

In 2015, when a pledge to conduct a referendum or popular vote on British membership in the EU was launched, the Brexit campaign began. David Cameron had vowed that, despite tremendous threats on the part of the ‘Euroskeptics,’ the British Independence Party seemed to lose votes. All the polls showed that the UK would stay in the EU when Britain went to vote. Cameron also flew to European leaders to renegotiate UK membership conditions and vowed to fight for Britain as an EU ally.

Pros and Cons of Brexit

The arguments for and against leaving the EU are various. For 2016, GBP contributions to the EU budget were over £ 13.1 billion, but also expenditure in the amount of £ 4.5 billion. The other incentives of EU membership could be difficult to determine if the net contribution of 8.6 billion libraries is valuable. We also observed that a free-trade deal could raise GDP by 1.6%. Brexit supporters believe that maintaining free trade would be in the best interest of others in Europe. Opponents, therefore, claim that by making life difficult for Britain, the EU would want to prevent more results.

Sovereignty and Brexit

Sovereignty was seen as a key reason for Brexit’s supporters to leave the EU. None argue that it means giving up power over their own affairs. EU membership. Those who supported being in the EU said that withdrawing would undermine the UK by removing the power to influence events in an environment that is increasingly complex and interdependent[13]. Douglas Carswell, a British politician, said: ‘The European Union has lost control and can not react. As part of the EU, we can be out-voted on economic issues through the euro block. He adds that if they leave the EU, the UK could spend more on its own priorities, like science research .. Carswell also writes that, as part of the World Trade Organization, the UK could have a greater influence on free trade and cooperation.

The Immigration Debate

Immigration is another subject for debate. Notwithstanding EU legislation, the UK can not prohibit anyone from immigrating into the UK from another EU Member State. Britons profit from the willingness of any of the other 27 Member States to live and work. As a consequence, the amount of immigration into the United Kingdom has increased considerably. Although the recent migration pace has given rise to concerns about housing and services, the overall result was positive. Many think immigration should be that, and border control should be restored. A decline in immigration means more jobs for the remaining people, but the UK does not seem to suffer like this, with a current unemployment rate of approximately 4.5%. To those that start joining the EU, three million workers relating to commerce with the EU have been estimated. If trade and investment dropped following Brexit, there would definitely be a reduction in some employment (Brexit). Nevertheless, the precise dependency of the United Kingdom on being part of the European Union is not evident. On the other hand, new jobs will presumably be generated as companies grow following Brexit.

Security Concerns

Another point of contention was security. Brexit argued that the EU remains behind the door to attacks because the open border does not permit them to know who enters and leaves the country. They argued in favor of Brexit. Some senior military officials claim, though, that the EU is a ‘despite the instability in the Middle East and Russia, an ever-increasing cornerstone of our security.’ Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said that the EU’s joint ability to work together on counter-terrorism was required. But Colonel Richard Kemp of the Cabinet Office’s former head of the international terrorism team said it was absurd to assume that by decreasing cooperation (Brexit), the EU would jeopardize citizens.

Economic Ramifications of Brexit

Brexit had several economic consequences along with political implications. The immediate economic crisis predicted by David Cameron and many others who want to remain in the EU if the United Kingdom decides to leave. The pounds were partly correct. The day after the vote, the pound crashed, the dollar dropped to about 10 percent, and the euro rose to 15 percent. The UK economy has, meanwhile, been projected to rise by 1.8 percent in 2016 and remains nearly similar to its 2017 growth rate. The decrease in the pound value means that exports will improve because UK imports are less costly, but goods imported will become more expensive. Because polling still stands at about 4%, inflation has risen, but also unemployment has declined to a 42-year low of 4.3%.

Homes prices fell in August 2017 from 9.4% in June 2016 to 5%. Brexit is also influenced by employment, taxes, shares, and mortgages. The United Kingdom has a triple lock on state pensions, an arrangement that raises salaries by the maximum level of income, inflation or 2,5% each year. Cameron said that a British departure would definitely undermine that approach, and May agreed that 2.5% of the legislation should be extracted. Nevertheless, the threefold lock stays assured as part of the post-election deal with the Democratic Unionist Party. Each ex-pat will be influenced by currency changes, including pensioners, because ex-pats depend on UK income. In fact, the UK government currently pays annual increases in the value of the employment of more than one million pensioners living in Spain.

There is serious concern that this approach will proceed. After the referendum, the rate of deposits plummeted to record lows, which were partially motivated by the bank’s decision in August 2016 to slash the allowance by half. More considerations, including creditors who sensed volatility in government bonds and wanted a safe refuge, were also at risk. Prices have been pushed up, and their return has therefore fallen. Pessimism has subsided, and savings rates are starting to bounce back immediately following the referendum. Nonetheless, prices are expected to remain unpredictable before Brexit agreements are completed and which measures are in place can be established. The vote on Brexit has changed mortgage rates. Nonetheless, critics have been mistaken. Whilst prices were expected to rise first after the referendum, they actually decreased. Once, partially because of the drop in the bank rate. Increased competition in the mortgage market has brought about it. By the end of 2016, prices started to slow down, and this trend of incremental growth is expected to continue.

Negotiating the Brexit Deal

On 19 June 2017, for the first time, the UK and the EU negotiation teams met. Four days each month, they meet in Brussels face to face in an effort to reach an agreement on UK and EU citizens’ rights after Brexit, an amount the UK will pay upon leaving, and what is going on at the border with Northern Ireland. These negotiations are complex, as 43 years of treaties and agreements are complicated to unpick. The United Kingdom team is led by David Davis, a veteran Conservative MEP who is the European Union Secretary of State. On the EU side, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and EU negotiator Michel Barnier leads the charge. Like never before, everything must be done while talks proceed. As the discussions are not over.

Barnier did not hesitate to warn the United Kingdom that the negotiation time was ticking. EU summits are likely to be relevant in this cycle between March and June 2018, but the real-time pressure in autumn 2018 is predicted. In this context, if an arrangement is to be accepted by the Council, the European Parliament, and the EU Member States, the deadline for Article 50 must be met. The agreement will have to be ratified by 72 percent of EU States. Although the United Kingdom could leave before March 2019 if an agreement is reached sooner, that at this stage is extremely unlikely. May suggests that it is best to have a weak arrangement without the EU. When Brexit does not have a trade agreement, the United Kingdom must work under the principles of the WTO.

The Trade Relationship Post-Brexit

The type of business agreement that the UK will have with the EU after Brexit is a key topic of debate in the talks. Statistics carried out by the Institute for Economic and Social Research show that when they accept precisely the same free trade deal they already do, leaving the Single Market will result in a longer-term decline in British trade with Europe from 22-30%. Many in the EU have shown that they are not in favor. The substantial trade downturn represents the goal of the internal market as tariff and non-tariff barriers in the EU are to be that. The government considers that the creation of new free trade agreements with countries outside the EU could mitigate a portion of the trade effect, but that would take a while.


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Immigration in the UK: Analyzing the Consequences. (2023, Jun 21). Retrieved from