Breaking the Mold: how Expectancy Violation Theory Explains Surprises in Social Interactions

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Updated: Dec 22, 2023
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Breaking the Mold: how Expectancy Violation Theory Explains Surprises in Social Interactions

This essay dives into Expectancy Violation Theory (EVT), a concept that unravels the mystery behind unexpected behaviors in social interactions. It presents EVT as a tool for understanding those moments when people deviate from the norm in conversations, whether through actions or words. The essay explains how EVT focuses on the interpretation of these surprises as either positive or negative, influenced by cultural norms and personal preferences. It highlights the role of nonverbal cues like personal space, illustrating how deviations from expected patterns can impact our perception of an interaction. Additionally, the concept of ‘communicator reward valence’ is introduced, explaining how the identity of the person who violates expectations affects our reaction. The essay also touches on the practical applications of EVT in both professional and personal settings, suggesting that understanding EVT can aid in navigating complex social dynamics. In a nutshell, the essay positions EVT as a key to decoding the unexpected in daily communications, offering insights into why certain behaviors stand out and how they shape our interactions. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Theory.

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How it works

Ever been thrown off by someone acting out of character during a conversation? That’s where Expectancy Violation Theory (EVT) comes into play, a concept that sounds like it belongs in a sci-fi movie but is actually all about understanding the curveballs in our daily chats. Dreamed up by Judee K. Burgoon back in the 70s, EVT is like the Sherlock Holmes of communication theories, helping us decode why people sometimes do the unexpected and how it affects us.

Picture this: You’ve got a mental script of how things usually go down in social situations, right? Now, what happens when someone goes off-script? EVT says it’s not just about the surprise, but whether we think it’s cool or cringeworthy.

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It’s like when someone who’s usually super reserved suddenly becomes the life of the party – it can be either a pleasant surprise or a bit weird, depending on who they are and the context.

Take personal space, for instance. We’ve all got our comfort bubbles, and when someone either gets too close for comfort or keeps too much distance, it feels off. EVT sheds light on why these moments can make or break an interaction. It’s not just about standing too close; it’s about how we interpret these actions based on our own rules of the social game.

EVT also throws in a twist – the idea of ‘communicator reward ?valence.’ Basically, it means who’s breaking the rules matters. If your favorite uncle tells a risqué joke at dinner, you might let it slide, but if it’s your uptight boss? That’s a different story.

And it’s not just about body language. EVT covers the whole communication package – how we speak, what we say, even our tone. Imagine a friend who’s always jokey suddenly getting serious. It makes you sit up and pay attention, right? That’s EVT in action, highlighting how these unexpected moments can change the whole vibe of a conversation.

So why should we care about EVT? Well, it’s super handy in all sorts of ways. In the workplace, it can help you figure out how to deal with a boss who throws curveballs or navigate a team that’s full of surprises. In your personal life, it can help you understand why certain things your friends or family do catch you off guard and how to handle them.

In short, Expectancy Violation Theory is about expecting the unexpected in conversations and understanding why sometimes, breaking the rules can be a game-changer. It’s a reminder that communication is a wild ride, full of twists and turns, and knowing a bit about EVT can make you a savvier navigator of the social world. So next time someone throws you a conversational curveball, just think: EVT has got your back.

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Breaking the Mold: How Expectancy Violation Theory Explains Surprises in Social Interactions. (2023, Dec 22). Retrieved from