Bill of Rights: the Significance of Human Rights in Business Relationships

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The Essence of Virtue in Business

In my approach to identifying what I believe is most often neglected or violated in business relationships, I first posed the question of virtue. Virtue basically underlines the question of what is right.

The Foundations of Natural and Human Rights

However, due to mankind’s inability to identify what is truly true, the definition of virtue still undergoes dispute amongst philosophers. Yet, virtue plays a significant part in the corporate world as it questions what is considered right in business.

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However, one right that is continuously brought up against companies is natural rights. Natural is highlighted into two principles known as universality and unconditionality. The universality of a right means universal without regard to sex, race, nationality, or any other circumstances regarding birth, while unconditional rights are rights that one cannot deprive or relinquish any individual of.  When combined, universality and unconditionality both define the meaning of what is human rights. Human rights are defined by the universal declaration of human rights, which perceives the inalienable value of every individual, regardless of one’s looks, beliefs, sex, and or origin. This right is regarded as one of history’s most well-known legal and moral rights.

Bill of Rights: The Distinction between Legal and Moral Rights

According to the text, “Legal rights are rights that are recognized and enforced as part of a legal system.” In this case, human rights are documented in America under the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. In comparison, moral rights are derived from the ethical rules and principles granted to human beings upon birth that are not dependent upon any legal system. Torrens’s Rights are considered entitlements. The text states that ‘Rights entitle us to make claims on other people either to refrain from interfering in what we do or to contribute actively to our well-being.’ Employees have the right to be judged free from discrimination. For example, in the case of a hiring process for any company or organization, an applicant is to be judged solely on their skill and ability and not their race, sex, or any other discriminatory factors.  Both employer and employees have the right to see to it that the applicant is processed fairly and correctly. Failure to do so would be morally wrong and could lead to legal discrepancies. Employers and employees are recommended to view certain situations through a veil of ignorance in order to promote fair judgment and discourage any sort of discriminatory practice.

The Moral Imperative of Fair Business Practices

In conclusion, the natural human rights of individuals are often seen to be neglected or violated by business parties. Human rights depend on standards of poise, equality, and common regard, which are shared in our global societies and philosophical practices. Employers and employees both have the right and are expected to treat situations fairly and free of discrimination. Promoting an equal and discrimination-free environment allows strong work communities to develop in which everyone can make contributions to the greater good of a company.


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Bill of Rights: The Significance of Human Rights in Business Relationships. (2023, Aug 22). Retrieved from