The Benefits of Studying Abroad

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Studying abroad has become an increasingly popular choice for college students over the years. This program allows students to attend a school in a different country for a limited period, offering them a unique opportunity to gain invaluable experiences. Many students choose to study abroad to gain insight into cultural differences, improve their proficiency in a foreign language, and develop essential life skills. While some students may hesitate due to financial constraints, language barriers, or the fear of being far away from family and friends, the wisdom gained through studying abroad often outweighs these concerns.

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This essay will explore how studying abroad fosters skill development, independence, and cultural understanding, ultimately preparing students for success in the global workforce.

Skill Development

Studying abroad plays a crucial role in developing skills that are highly valuable in the workplace. In today's interconnected world, employers seek individuals who can navigate diverse environments and possess strong interpersonal skills. One way students can acquire these skills is through joining clubs or taking specialized classes that focus on skill development. However, studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a completely different environment, which can accelerate the development of these skills.

Research by Julia Kronholz and Debra Osborn highlights the impact of studying abroad on a student's vocational identity and career decision-making skills. Their study involved students from a public research university who took anonymous surveys throughout their 16-week study abroad experience. According to Kronholz and Osborn, "study abroad experience significantly impacts college students’ self-knowledge such as interests, values, and skills, and the capacity to relate self-knowledge to career options" (Kronholz and Osborn 77). This suggests that studying abroad helps students identify and cultivate decision-making skills, expand their career options, and develop a strong vocational identity.

Furthermore, Mr. Chapman's investigation into the psychosocial benefits of studying abroad, as cited by Kronholz and Osborn, found that "90% of respondents reported feeling as though their study abroad experience prepared them for the 'real world.' This preparation included the belief that study abroad helped participants in the following ways: to gain interpersonal skills required for the workforce…and to have real world experience that serve as performance examples during job interviews" (qtd. in Kronholz and Osborn 71). These findings underscore the importance of studying abroad in equipping students with the skills needed to thrive in their future careers.

Independence and Self-Reliance

Studying abroad also fosters independence and self-reliance, two crucial qualities for personal and professional growth. Numerous studies provide evidence that students who study abroad return with a heightened sense of independence and self-confidence. Russ Walsh and Monica Walsh conducted a study on students' perspectives regarding their study abroad experiences by interviewing eight students who attended Duquesne University in Rome.

Their findings revealed that, "Following their return from a semester in Rome, all of the participants reported gaining a strong sense of independence and self-confidence as a result of their study abroad experiences" (Walsh and Walsh 143). This transformation was achieved through experiencing and navigating cultural differences and learning specific travel and organizational skills. Although Walsh and Walsh acknowledge that the university emphasizes independence and self-confidence, which could influence the study's accuracy, their research still demonstrates that studying abroad plays a significant role in fostering confident and socially competent adults.

Additionally, the study by Kronholz and Osborn on the effects of studying abroad on vocational identity and career decision-making skills shows that "the study abroad experience provides an occasion for vicarious learning, leading to higher levels of self-efficacy, in turn positively impacting career decision-making" (Kronholz and Osborn 80). Students learn to adapt and manage tasks independently in a foreign environment, strengthening their self-confidence and independence.

Cultural Understanding

Studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to gain a deep understanding of cultural differences, which can be applied in the workforce. Ross Walsh and Monica Walsh observed a theme of growing friendships and group cohesion among international students. Through interviews, they discovered that "The experience of living in close proximity to, traveling with, and relying on students different from themselves…suggests that some of the benefits of the study abroad experience—even those about openness and cultural difference—result from the interactions among students within the campus walls" (Walsh and Walsh 144).

This illustrates how the limited time students have interacting with international peers helps them learn to communicate effectively and appreciate cultural differences and similarities. For example, one participant named Mary reported that her experiences and friendships forged during her study abroad program provided her with valuable insights into cultural differences.

Interactions with international students and direct exposure to a new culture contribute to students' adaptability and ability to apply their newfound knowledge effectively. According to Kronholz and Osborn, "the study abroad experience promotes gains in students’ self-knowledge, understanding their fit in the world of work, and contributes to a developing a more positive outlook regarding career opportunities" (Kronholz and Osborn 78). For many students, studying abroad provides a clearer understanding of their career goals and instills confidence in making life and career decisions.


In conclusion, the benefits of studying abroad are multifaceted, encompassing skill development, independence, and cultural understanding. These experiences significantly contribute to students' personal and professional growth, preparing them for success in an increasingly globalized world. By immersing themselves in a new culture and environment, students gain valuable insights and skills that enhance their career prospects and broaden their horizons. While challenges such as financial constraints and language barriers may deter some students, the wisdom gained through studying abroad often overshadows these concerns, leaving a lasting impact on their lives.

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The Benefits of Studying Abroad. (2019, Jun 01). Retrieved from