Underinsurance in Malaysia: Challenges and Realities

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In recent years, the issue of underinsurance has garnered significant attention, both in academic circles and among policymakers.


This essay aims to delve into the subject of underinsurance in Malaysia, focusing specifically on life insurance. Underinsurance, in this context, refers to the inadequate coverage of citizens by life insurance, leaving many vulnerable to financial instability after unforeseen life events such as the death of a breadwinner. Research, including studies by Swiss Re, has consistently shown that the level of underinsurance in Malaysia is worryingly high, despite increasing awareness about the issue.

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This essay will explore the causes, implications, and potential strategies to mitigate underinsurance, with the aim of contributing to a broader understanding of this critical issue.

The Concept of Underinsurance

Underinsurance is quantified by the life insurance protection gap, a term popularized by Swiss Re (2004). This gap represents the shortfall between the resources available to dependents after the death of the breadwinner and the resources required to maintain their standard of living. Life insurance serves as a crucial component in bridging this gap, offering protection that can sustain a family's financial stability in the face of adversity. The benefits of life insurance are manifold, encompassing debt repayment, wealth replacement, and income replacement, as noted by Black and Skipper (2000). When a family loses its primary income earner, the absence of sufficient life insurance can exacerbate financial difficulties, leading to a precipitous decline in living standards.

Factors Contributing to Underinsurance

Several factors contribute to the pervasive issue of underinsurance in Malaysia. One significant factor is the lack of understanding and awareness about insurance products. Many individuals perceive insurance primarily as a savings or investment tool rather than a protective measure against financial uncertainty. This misconception can lead to inadequate coverage, leaving families exposed to financial risks. Additionally, the presence of social security benefits may give some a false sense of security, leading them to underestimate the need for personal life insurance coverage (Fitzgerald, 1987). Furthermore, insurance agents often focus their efforts in urban areas, neglecting rural populations who may be equally in need of coverage.

Socioeconomic factors also play a crucial role. Lin and Grace (2007) discovered a significant relationship between financial vulnerability and the total amount of insurance purchased. Economic constraints often hinder individuals from acquiring adequate coverage, as the costs associated with life insurance can be prohibitive for many. This financial barrier is especially pronounced in low-income households, where immediate needs often take precedence over long-term financial planning.

Implications of Underinsurance

The implications of underinsurance are far-reaching, affecting not only individual families but also the broader economy. For families, underinsurance can necessitate drastic lifestyle changes following the loss of a breadwinner, as highlighted by Bernheim, Carman, Gokhale, and Kotlikoff (2003) and MetLife (2009). These changes may include selling assets, relocating, or forgoing educational opportunities for children. On a macroeconomic level, underinsurance can strain government resources. As noted by Kelly and Vu (2010), insufficient insurance coverage can lead to reduced tax revenue and increased reliance on government assistance programs, placing a burden on public finances.

Addressing the Underinsurance Challenge

Addressing the challenge of underinsurance requires a multifaceted approach. Education is paramount; individuals need to be informed about the importance of adequate life insurance coverage and the risks associated with underinsurance. Insurance companies can play a pivotal role by developing more attractive and accessible products, tailored to the diverse needs of different demographic groups. This includes expanding outreach efforts to rural areas and offering flexible payment structures to accommodate varying financial capacities.

Moreover, innovative strategies such as the Monte Carlo Simulation can be employed to better assess and address underinsurance. By simulating a range of possible outcomes and their probabilities, this method provides valuable insights into the potential financial gaps individuals may face. This approach can guide both policymakers and insurers in crafting targeted interventions to close the protection gap.


In conclusion, underinsurance in Malaysia presents a significant challenge, with profound implications for individuals and the economy. By understanding the factors contributing to this issue and its far-reaching consequences, stakeholders can take informed steps to mitigate its impact. Through education, tailored insurance products, and innovative assessment methods, we can work towards ensuring that all Malaysians have the financial protection they need to maintain their standard of living in the face of life's uncertainties. By prioritizing the reduction of the underinsurance gap, we can foster a more resilient and financially secure society.

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Underinsurance in Malaysia: Challenges and Realities. (2019, Jun 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/analyzing-under-insurance-in-malaysia-impacts-and-strategies-for-mitigation/