An Argument that Social Networking has Caused more Harm than Good

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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An Argument that Social Networking has Caused more Harm than Good

This essay will present an argument that social networking platforms have caused more harm than good. It will discuss issues like cyberbullying, misinformation spread, negative impacts on mental health, and reduced face-to-face interactions. The piece will explore the societal and individual consequences of extensive social media use and the need for responsible digital behavior and regulation. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Adolescence.

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How it works

With the rapid advancement and widespread use of technology, the internet has become an essential tool for various activities such as business transactions, website browsing, online gaming, and social networking. Social networking, in particular, has permeated every corner of modern society. While it provides entertainment and pleasure, it also carries potential harm by decreasing writing ability, consuming time, and revealing personal information.

Firstly, social networking contributes to a decline in writing ability. Recent years have seen a surge in social networking activities, prompting people to type on computers rather than writing letters or speaking on telephones.

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To expedite communication, abbreviations are commonly used as substitutes for complete words or sentences. For instance, instead of typing ‘you are right,’ an MSN user may type ‘ur rite.’ Similarly, ‘g2g’, which stands for ‘got to go,’ becomes a quicker way to say goodbye. The disregard for punctuation and sentence capitalization has also gained popularity. For instance, ‘I want to go to your party, but I can’t’ is often written as ‘i wanna go 2 ur party but i cant’ – without the comma, apostrophe, capitalization, or period. This makes the sentence informal and somewhat incorrect. This problem is particularly evident among teenagers, who have fewer learning experiences than adults. Hence, social networking significantly impacts writing abilities, especially among the younger generation.

Along with diminished writing skills, social networking also incurs significant time consumption. While the essence of social networking is to provide enjoyment, excessive time spent on it can turn into wastage. Many users become addicted and find it challenging to refrain from incessant chatting. This indulgence often results in diminished sleep and exercise, leading to an unhealthy lifestyle. High school students, in particular, are likely to neglect their homework. For example, my cousin used to converse with his friends on MSN for extended periods because he lost track of time. As a consequence, he often fell asleep in class and couldn’t apply to any college in Vancouver. Thus, while social networking is addictive, users need to manage their time effectively to prevent its harmful effects.

Lastly, social networking exposes personal information on the internet. Users often unwittingly disclose details about their name, age, gender, location, and other attributes. While many claim caution, it’s impossible to be entirely sure about who can access their information. This exposure has led to an increase in cybercrime. Occasionally, when people are not careful enough, their bank accounts can be accessed by criminals leading to identity theft and loss of funds. Moreover, hackers can effortlessly track a person’s location, further facilitating cybercrime. Therefore, it’s advisable not to reveal private information while socializing online.

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An Argument That Social Networking Has Caused More Harm than Good. (2023, Feb 08). Retrieved from