Alex Lin Age: a Teen Activist’s Impact in the Fight against E-Waste

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Alex Lin’s Initial Challenges

Alex Lin is challenged because he started his campaign to ban E-waste dumping in the smallest state, Rhode Island; he only had a few friends helping him, and because there are tons and tons of E-waste, he couldn’t do it on his own.

Starting Small in Rhode Island

The first reason why Alex Lin is challenged is because he started in the smallest state, which is Rhode Island, which’s only 1214 square miles. For example, Wikipedia states, “Rhode Island is the smallest state in the USA.

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” That shows that Alex Lin did not have much space to work with. Lin started small, very small, to get what he worked for. Alex Lin was very challenged.

Limited Support: A Few Friends

Another reason why Alex Lin is challenged is that he only had a couple of friends assisting him. says, “Stop E-waste. Alex gathered his friends and started WIN, a small organization. Lin was challenged because he didn’t have many “allies” or friends to help him on his campaign against E-waste.

Facing the Overwhelming Amount of E-waste

The final reason why Alex Lin was challenged is that there is so much, some might say, too much E-waste on the planet. says, “…recycle around 2000 505,000 pounds of E-waste per month. This shows that Lin was challenged because there are so many tons of E-waste on the planet. Alex Lin is challenged because he started in the smallest state, Rhode Island; he only had a few friends helping him, and because there are tons and tons of E-waste on the planet, he couldn’t do it on his own. Alex Lin is a teen activist who is facing major adversity in this country and beyond.

Alex Lin is successful because of his motivation, his allied companies aligned with WIN (Westerly Innovations Network), and his expansion.
Lin is being motivated, and that’s a reason why he’s so successful. His friends (at age ten or eleven) started WIN a long time ago. They were with him since day one. Then, other groups started helping him and motivating him.

As I previously stated, local and international companies have joined him in his campaign to ban E-waste. Companies like the Rhode Island community service, CR2 recycling, and Metech International. Companies like CR2 Recycling transport the E-waste around and to the recycling plant to change them into new computers. Other corporations, like the Rhode Island community service, help load E-waste onto the trucks. Companies like Metech International take refurbished computers around the world to places like Cancoon, Sri Lanka, and isolated places like Niger and Chad, among other places in Africa.

On that note, Alex Lin‘s expansion is big and widespread. He has expanded to Africa and all different kinds of states in the U.S. He has covered some of Asia, AND he has banned E-waste dumping in seven different states. Alex Lin is successful because of his motivation from friends and family, companies aligned with his environmental beliefs, and his expansion to other countries and continents. Alex Lin is a powerful teen activist against E-waste, which is a fast-growing threat to our welfare and society.


  1. “Stop E-waste: Alex Lin and the WIN Initiative.”
  2. Wikipedia. “Rhode Island.”
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Alex Lin Age: A Teen Activist's Impact in the Fight Against E-Waste. (2023, Sep 02). Retrieved from