Affirmative Action Pros and Cons Essay

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Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Affirmative Action Pros and Cons Essay

This essay presents a balanced exploration of the pros and cons of affirmative action. It discusses the benefits, such as promoting diversity and addressing historical inequalities, while also examining the criticisms, including potential reverse discrimination and questions about meritocracy. The overview covers the impact of affirmative action policies in education and employment, providing a comprehensive look at how these policies have shaped opportunities for historically marginalized groups. It also delves into the ongoing debate about the effectiveness and fairness of affirmative action in achieving social justice and equality. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Affirmative Action.

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Affirmative action has been a contentious policy aimed at addressing institutional discrimination and providing opportunities to marginalized groups. However, it has aroused debate, with supporters praising its role in fostering equality and opponents citing worries about potential reverse discrimination and unforeseen repercussions. This article will look at the advantages and disadvantages of affirmative action, as well as how it can help in creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

The Advantages of Affirmative Action

Affirmative action tries to level the playing field by giving underrepresented groups equal opportunity.

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It ensures that all applicants, regardless of their background, have an equal chance of success in education, employment, and business.

Affirmative Action and a Diverse Workforce and Educational Environment

Affirmative action aims to minimize discrimination and create a more inclusive society. Encouraging diverse workplaces and educational institutions promotes understanding and collaboration among people from different backgrounds.

According to research, affirmative action may save money by aiding underrepresented groups and creating diverse workplaces. Diverse teams are more likely to innovate and flourish in a global market.

Affirmative Action’s Drawbacks

Some critics say that affirmative action does not adequately redress previous prejudice, perhaps leading to unfair outcomes. Some deserving candidates may be excluded, while others, less qualified, are admitted for the sake of diversity.

Missed Opportunities for Qualified Individuals

Affirmative action may not provide a comprehensive solution for discrimination, and qualified individuals from underrepresented groups might still face barriers due to socioeconomic factors or other circumstances.

Some studies suggest affirmative action may place students in excessively demanding circumstances, resulting in poor academic performance and high dropout rates.

Affirmative Action’s Importance

Addressing historical discrimination, such as slavery, segregation, and systemic hostility against minority groups, requires affirmative action. It aims to redress historical wrongs and level the playing field for neglected communities.

Affirmative action fosters a just and inclusive environment where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources. It ensures that diverse perspectives contribute to societal growth and development.

Preventing Discrimination Lawsuits

By embracing affirmative action, companies and institutions protect themselves against discrimination lawsuits and create a more positive public image.

Shifting Focus to Socioeconomic Status

Some propose redirecting the focus from race and ethnicity to socioeconomic status to improve affirmative action. This approach aims to target those truly disadvantaged and ensure a fairer distribution of opportunities.


Affirmative action remains a complex and controversial policy, with both advantages and disadvantages. While it aspires to create a more inclusive and equal society, careful implementation and ongoing review are required to reduce potential inequity and unintended repercussions. Shifting the focus to the socioeconomic position may provide a more holistic approach, ensuring that people who actually require assistance receive the aid they need to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Finally, affirmative action is important in promoting diversity, equality, and social development in our ever-changing world.

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Affirmative Action Pros and Cons Essay. (2023, Aug 08). Retrieved from