A Re-Photography Reflection as a Contribution to the Howard University Legacy

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I suppose that before I can truly begin to delve into the deeper implications affiliated with my re-photography reflection, I must first establish a truth: I have an affinity for libraries. While the origin of this fondness is difficult for me to pinpoint, I believe that this fact is essential for the comprehension of my contribution to the Howard legacy.

Upon the assignment of this reflection, I immediately began searching for a photograph of a young woman. More specifically, a woman in a library.

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My rationale behind this hunt was that rather than finding a portrait to recreate, which I perceived as the act of me playing a character, I should instead find a photograph which mirrored my own being. Thereby establishing a connection right off the bat with my muse. When I came across this remarkable photo of a young Howard woman posing against a library-themed book drop, I immediately knew that it was the one. While I was initially disappointed by the fact that her photograph was based against an imitation bookshelf, I realized that the subtle implications of this difference could really work to my benefit. Such was the beauty of this picture, that the connective relationship was almost immediately established.

I’ve come to the conclusion that while my contribution to the Howard legacy is not likely to be flashy, it will be a stunning representation of the strength of higher education on an eager mind. At risk of sounding self-gratifying, I would like to introduce the idea that I am a naturally intellectual being. Nothing pleases me more than the opportunity to learn. Not necessarily for reasons based in selfishness, but rather out of an innate desire to honor the world in which I live by working to understand it. With this understanding in mind, it is no longer unclear why I love the library. In the modern photograph above, I am pictured in Louis Stokes Library, a beautiful structure which boasts the compilation of thousands of volumes of books, and the opportunity to easily access knowledge. Although the honor which comes with entrance to this library is subtle and often under appreciated, I believe that the nuances between the historical photo I mirrored, and the photograph which was taken of me, are immediately present within this space. Both portray a sense of joy and appreciation for the current circumstance. Similarly, both pictures are images of women who, presumably, are working to leave a lasting impression on Howard University. While the identity of the woman in the photo is unknown, the spirit of achievement transcends mere selfhood.

As I venture through my academic journey here at Howard University, I will strive to make my own subtle differences on the campus, and while I dare not promise to leave this university broadly and perceptively different than I found it, I do commit to leaving minute impressions which will resonate with my unique essence.

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A Re-Photography Reflection as a Contribution to the Howard University Legacy. (2022, Nov 14). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-re-photography-reflection-as-a-contribution-to-the-howard-university-legacy/