A Habit i would Like to Change: Overcoming Poor Habits

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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As a human, people are not absolutely flawless because we are human; we have flaws. Some people might have a good or poor habit. For example, a good habit is waking up early every day and excised while their poor habit might be smoking, biting fingernails, or wasting time online.

Identifying the Root Cause

Whatever it may be, there’s a time you have attempted to get rid of the poor habit, but somehow you just give up. So, I did some research on how to get rid of your poor habit by following the three steps I learned.

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The first step to getting rid of your poor habit is finding out why you are doing it. Let’s say you happen to develop biting your fingernail when you are bored; observing what your poor habit is can help you come up with the right approach for changing your poor habit. Usually, the case for your poor habit is when you are stressed or bored. So, pay attention to your demeanor, figure out what is causing your poor habit, and find the right approach for changing the poor habit. Next is to find an alternative habit.

Once you figure out what your poor habit is, you can create a new habit without the negative side effects to replace your poor habit. Suppose that you are overeating, and you feel that the energy is being sucked out of your body every day. Maybe try to have a healthier lifestyle; drinking 8 glasses of water every day and exercising four times a week would be more adequate than drinking sodas and being a potato couch. The final step is to make changes to your routine. Put your alternated habit into action! For instance, if you tend to be on your phone most of the day, make an effort to turn it off and read a book so that you can be more aware of your time.


A new routine makes you more aware of your action, so developing something in your routine can make it effortlessly satisfying to your new habit. Even slight changes can make a big difference. Overall, kicking a poor habit might be a good start to your early New Year Revolutions. Identify your habit, pay close attention, replace your poor habit with a better habit, and make it your routine to it get used to it. Like Warren Buffett said, “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken,” so change it now before you have any regrets.


  1. “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business” by Charles Duhigg


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A Habit I Would Like to Change: Overcoming Poor Habits. (2023, Aug 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-habit-i-would-like-to-change-overcoming-poor-habits/