A Character of Antigone in the Play

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A Character of Antigone in the Play

This essay will provide an in-depth analysis of the character Antigone in Sophocles’ play. It will explore her role, characteristics, and how her actions and decisions impact the play’s themes and outcomes. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Antigone.

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Antigone is a passionate Greek tragedy of conflict and suffering written by Sophocles. Its plot revolves around the illegal burial of Antigone’s rebellious brother Polyneices.  This essay on Antigone will zoom in to the strength and weaknesses of the main character Antigone.

Antigone, is portrayed as the tragic hero who recognizes her familial obligation and responsibilities. The dialogue between her and Ismene reveals her stubbornness and loyalty to her brother. Despite the consequences, Antigone challenges Creon’s decree in order to honor the death of her brother.

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Her strong values for her family, religion and bravery lead her to her rash decisions and actions.

Antigone loved her brother Polyneices. Her loyalty and honor for him was worth more to her than her own life ??“ “Nay, be what thou wilt; but I will bury him: well for me to die in doing that. I shall rest, a loved one with him whom I have loved, sinless in my crime; for I owe a longer allegiance to the dead than to the living: in that world I shall abide forever.” When informed about the deaths of her brother, Antigone was also told that anyone who buried Polyneices “his doom is death by stoning before all the folk.” However, despite the knowledge that she will die for her own actions, Antigone stands by her beliefs and attempts to give her brother a proper burial.

Another aspect which motivates Antigone to act out is religion. Being that religion is a very significant aspect of Greek life, Antigone’s respect for the Gods and their law was above everything else. Ismene, attempted to persuade Antigone to obey the law of the land before god and not bury Polyneices. However, Antigone’s strong religious beliefs stimulated her to act illegally and get killed. 

Her strong beliefs in the Gods are proven when she admits to Creon that it was she, herself, who went against the state and buried Polyneices.

“Yes; for it was not Zeus that had published me that; not such are the laws set among men by the justice who dwells with the gods below; nor deemed I that thy decrees were of such force, that a mortal could override the unwritten and unfailing statutes of heaven. For their life is not of to-day or yesterday, but from all time, and no man knows when they were first put forth. Not through dread of any human pride could I answer to the gods for breaking these. Die I must, -I knew that well (how should I not?)-even without thy edicts. But if I am to die before my time, I count that a gain: for when any one lives, as I do, compassed about with evils, can such a one finds aught but gain in death?”

In other words, Antigone was not about to break the laws of god because of the law of the land. She believes that it is better off to die early than to live amongst evil. Seven he confessed to Creon that the laws of the Gods are more powerful than the laws he had made for the citizens to follow.

Antigone was never afraid to stand up for what she believed in. Her love and respect to her family outweighed the consequences. Burying Polyneices was the least that she could have for him to prove that she loved him dearly. Antigone’s can be considered a role model for women in today’s society because she possessed such strong characteristics and beliefs.

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A Character Of Antigone In The Play. (2019, Nov 11). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-character-of-antigone-in-the-play/