Why we should Keep the Penny: the Value of the Penny

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Why we should Keep the Penny: the Value of the Penny

This essay will argue for the retention of the penny in U.S. currency. It will discuss the historical and economic value of the penny, its role in commerce, and the potential consequences of its elimination. The piece will present both practical and sentimental reasons for preserving this coin. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Economy.

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In the first place, Just imagine seeing a penny on the sidewalk. Many people would pick it up and look to see if it is heads or tails. Anyways an old saying says that if you pick up a penny, you get good luck, and most people rarely get home and get 4000000000 dollars because one penny brings the best of good luck. Not only that, but if we get rid of it, most of America’s money will disappear.

Economic and Practical Considerations

Equally important, the penny is a coin we got from Offa (A KING).

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Pennies are related to kings. Why get rid of them? Some major ideas for keeping the penny are the penny honors Abraham Lincoln, and getting rid of it ruins honor for him. Also, the penny honors Lincoln. We should do a favor and keep it for Lincoln. Another one is americans like them. When you find one and pick it up and its head, it’s a sign of good luck. Info given by https://www.moneycrashers.com/get-rid-penny-reasons/.

As can be seen, the penny helps with taxes. So say you are at a restaurant, and you are 1 cent off. What are you going to do? It comes in handy for good luck and their fun to collect. Also, in https://www.moneycrashers.com/get-rid-penny-reasons/, they say charities rely on them. It is a good thing to have in your pocket; also, it = money, so if we get rid of it, American money will go down by lots of money because we have lots of it.

But it is very worthless, and people don’t use it as much. But it is also a very honorary penny, and it has value very low, but it still has value. Another fact that we should keep the penny is to avoid harming low-income houses. It is more cost-efficient than nickel. They help raise lots of charities for cats and other animals that are endangered. Info given by procon.org. Those are reasons enough to keep the penny.


Given these points, even though it has the cheapest amount, the penny honors and was made by famous people, and we show honor by keeping it for them. There is a going on war with cash, and the penny = money, so it gives us a reason for keeping it would be very good for money reasons. They would lose about 90 million dollars in pennies, so we should not get rid of them. Sure, they can be a nuisance in some ways, but that is no reason for not keeping them. Pennies also bring good luck with them wherever they go. They have shiny colors and are very cool.

Works cited

  1. https://www.moneycrashers.com/get-rid-penny-reasons/
  2. https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/the-penny-debate-768872
  3. https://www.bizfluent.com/about-7554031-benefits-keeping-penny.html
  4. https://www.procon.org/headlineID=005402
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Why We Should Keep the Penny: The Value of the Penny. (2023, Aug 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-we-should-keep-the-penny-the-value-of-the-penny/