Why should Abortion be Made Legal Argumentative

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Updated: Jan 08, 2025
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Abortion remains one of the most contentious issues in contemporary society, intersecting the spheres of ethics, law, and personal freedom. The debate revolves around the moral and legal status of abortion, with advocates arguing for women's autonomy and opponents citing moral and ethical concerns. Despite the polarized opinions, it is crucial to understand that making abortion legal is fundamentally about safeguarding women's rights and health. Legalizing abortion not only respects a woman's right to decide over her own body but also ensures safer medical procedures, reducing the risk of complications from unsafe abortions.

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Furthermore, it addresses socio-economic factors that can influence a woman's decision to terminate a pregnancy. This essay argues that legalizing abortion is essential for upholding individual rights, promoting public health, and considering the socio-economic contexts that influence reproductive choices.

Women's Autonomy and Rights

The principle of bodily autonomy is central to the argument for legalizing abortion. Women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies without governmental interference. This notion is supported by international human rights standards, which emphasize the right to privacy and the freedom to make personal health decisions. According to the World Health Organization, restricting access to abortion infringes on a woman's autonomy and can lead to physical and psychological harm. Furthermore, the landmark case of Roe v. Wade in 1973 highlighted the importance of women's rights to privacy and autonomy, establishing a legal precedent that has influenced reproductive rights globally.

Critics often argue that the fetus has a right to life, which should be prioritized. However, this perspective fails to consider the complex circumstances under which women might seek an abortion, such as health risks, cases of rape or incest, or severe fetal abnormalities. The ethical debate over fetal rights versus women's rights remains unresolved, but legalizing abortion recognizes the necessity of prioritizing the living, breathing individual whose life and future are at stake. A 2018 study published in the "Journal of Health Economics" found that access to legal abortion significantly improves women's economic outcomes, supporting the argument that women should have the autonomy to make reproductive choices that best suit their circumstances.

Transition: While women's autonomy is a compelling reason for legalizing abortion, the public health implications further underscore its necessity.

Public Health and Safety

Legalizing abortion is a public health imperative that significantly reduces the risks associated with unsafe abortion practices. According to the Guttmacher Institute, approximately 25 million unsafe abortions occur every year, primarily in countries where abortion is illegal or heavily restricted. These unsafe procedures are a leading cause of maternal mortality, leading to severe health complications or death. Legalizing abortion ensures that women have access to safe, regulated medical procedures performed by qualified healthcare professionals, minimizing health risks.

Moreover, the legalization of abortion has been shown to improve overall maternal health outcomes. A study published in "The Lancet" in 2019 demonstrated a marked decline in maternal mortality rates in countries that have legalized abortion. These findings highlight the critical role of legal abortion in ensuring women's health and safety. Furthermore, access to legal abortion services allows for better post-abortion care and counseling, essential for women's physical and mental well-being.

Transition: Although public health benefits are significant, the socio-economic factors that influence the need for abortion are equally important to consider.

Socio-Economic Considerations

Socio-economic factors play a crucial role in the decision to seek an abortion. Women from lower socio-economic backgrounds often face greater challenges in accessing healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. Legalizing abortion provides these women with the agency to make informed choices about their futures, potentially breaking cycles of poverty. The financial burden of raising a child can be overwhelming for women in precarious economic situations, making the availability of abortion services a necessary option.

Furthermore, the ability to control reproductive choices can have long-term socio-economic benefits for women. Research published in "The American Economic Journal" in 2017 indicates that access to abortion contributes to higher educational attainment and workforce participation among women. These outcomes not only benefit individual women but also have positive ripple effects on families and communities.

Opponents of abortion often argue that adoption is a viable alternative. However, this perspective overlooks the emotional and social complexities involved in carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term and the societal stigma that can accompany adoption. Legalizing abortion acknowledges these complexities and provides women with a choice that aligns with their personal and socio-economic realities.

Transition: In light of these considerations, the necessity for legalizing abortion becomes increasingly clear, culminating in a broader societal understanding of women's rights and public health.


In conclusion, the legalization of abortion is a crucial step toward ensuring women's rights, improving public health, and addressing socio-economic disparities. By recognizing women's autonomy, societies can uphold essential human rights standards and empower women to make decisions that positively impact their lives. Furthermore, legalizing abortion reduces the prevalence of unsafe procedures, thereby safeguarding maternal health. Lastly, considering the socio-economic factors that influence reproductive choices demonstrates the importance of providing women with safe, legal access to abortion services. While the debate over abortion is unlikely to be resolved entirely, the evidence supporting its legalization highlights the profound benefits it offers to individuals and society. Legalizing abortion is not only a matter of individual rights but a societal imperative for a healthier, more equitable future.

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Why Should Abortion Be Made Legal Argumentative. (2024, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-should-abortion-be-made-legal-argumentative/