Why is “The Crucible” Called “The Crucible”?

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The Word Crucible Related to the Book Crucible

Targeting individuals who are different from the norm has permeated throughout history. Prejudice, or the prejudging of someone based on very few facts, is not only harmful to the individuals being judged but also detrimental to the good of society. Fear is often the cause of prejudice. The targeted individuals are often subject to ridicule, bullying, and intimidation. “Witch Hunts” are meant to purify society with hopes of uniting people, but they divide the masses and destroy the common good.

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Arthur Miller wrote the play The Crucible in response to McCarthyism because one person can influence others through the power of intimidation and accusation.

“In February 1950, McCarthyism, a First-term Republican senator from Wisconsin, took the stage in wheeling, w.va.” McCarthyism is a term used for accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or betrayal. Senator Joseph McCarthy in the U.S. was developed between 1950 and 1956. McCarthy was the first senator in the United States.

McCarthy’s Witch Hunt and Its Impact

McCarthy produced a series of investigations and hearings to expose supposed communist infiltration of various areas of the U.S. Methods of McCarthy denounced the process as a “witch hunt.” McCarthy brandished a sheet of paper and stated, made known to the secretary of state as being members of the Communist Party.” The insinuations of disloyalty were enough to convince many Americans that their government was full of traitors and spies. McCarthy’s accusations were so intimidating that few people dared to speak against him. His career came to an end by accusing people of being communists. The accusations affected the American people. The months before his speech had been difficult for the policies of the cold war of the United States.

The hunting of communists in the United States caused untold damage to the lives and careers of many people, had an abusive effect on the internal debate, and managed to scare millions of Americans. “McCarthy’s career effectively came to an end.” “Hundreds of secondary teachers and university professors lost their jobs, or they were forced to sign loyalty pledges.”

Hysteria and Fear in the Crucible

In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the threat of witchcraft causes hysteria. John Proctor convinced Mary Warren to testify against the girls, led by Abigail, but when the girls saw Mary Warren, they accused her of being a witch. They started screaming, saying, “Mary, why are you doing this to us? We did not do anything to you,” said the girls screaming with fear and despair. Abigail and the girls repeated what Mary Warren had said. Abigail and the girls said that Mary sent her spirit into them, and then Mary told the judge that they were acting, but the girls screamed with much fear. That way, the judge would believe the girls and not Mary Warren. The fear and anxiety of the girls spread uncontrollably.

Mary starts to panic and decides to act with the girls; then Mary begins to say that Proctor has an alliance with the devil, and Proctor did not leave her alone day and night. Where the hysteria creates an atmosphere full of tension, where Proctor becomes angry and reaches the point of saying that “god is dead.” Hysteria can destroy and devastate a whole community.

Why is it Called the Crucible: Lessons and Impacts

The ruination of lives in “The Crucible” Tituba, the slave of Reverend Parris, was sent back to Barbados after being released from jail. The court said they didn’t want any falsely accused people dying because of her. Reverent Hale had returned to Salem to become the new Reverent at the church. The people no longer want reverent Parris in the church for his participation in the court appearance for the false accusation of his niece Abigail Williams; because of Abigail’s false accusation, many innocent people died. John Proctor died; he decided to die to clear his name so that his children could lead a dignified life. Abigail Williams stole money from her. She disappeared before with him, and she had him that with everything he did, she would agree with him because he could only judge himself and nobody else.

The ruination of lives caused by McCarthyism. “very good people that just couldn’t face the fact they might lose their livelihood and, their families, their dignity.” Many people could not face these things; they gave up; many teachers of public schools and university teachers lost their jobs for false accusations. Children’s also suffered rejections; they lost their friends, teachers had to give an account of their careers, and workers who worked hard for their families forward lost their jobs. They lost everything, including their dignity. They stained the name of many people and their generations.

Arthur Miller wrote the play “The Crucible” in response to McCarthyism because one person can influence others through the power of intimidation and accusation. It is rare and noble for an individual to speak out for those who have fallen to the mob mentality of prejudice. When one speaks out, he or she is not only subject to arrest but is also vulnerable to being targeted. Like when a bully intimidates his victim, the targeting of individuals starts small and then grows and gains momentum as more people are recruited for the cause. Every generation has been changing from the convictions of individuals. One person’s prejudice can change the momentum of a group of people when given the form of free speech.


    1. Miller, Arthur. “The Crucible.” 1953.

    2. “McCarthyism.” History.com Editors. History.com, A&E Television Networks, 29 October 2009.

    3. “McCarthyism: Definition, Facts & Examples.” HISTORY. A&E Television Networks.

    4. “The Crucible – Themes: Hysteria.” SparkNotes Editors. SparkNotes, LLC.

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Why is "The Crucible" Called "The Crucible"?. (2023, Jul 31). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-is-the-crucible-called-the-crucible/