Why i Want to be a Teacher

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Updated: Jan 08, 2025
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Teaching is a profession that crafts society's collective intelligence. Teachers not only impart knowledge, but also develop skills, foster enthusiasm for learning, and model critical thought. Their work extends beyond the classroom and contributes to diverse democracies. Teachers shape future generations' understanding, values, and behaviors. Despite the consensus on the importance of high-quality teachers, questions remain about the motivations and qualities needed for teaching. Effective teaching requires care, trust, compassion, and creating space for students to express themselves. These debates explore the emotional and evocative nature of teaching, beyond ambition and social responsibility.

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Personal Reflections

The desire to become a teacher was always a part of me. As a child, my mother would share that I wanted to be a teacher just like a particular teacher I admired. My family encouraged me to become a doctor, but my fear of blood and the demanding nature of the job deterred me. Little did anyone know that I valued every teacher I had interacted with. When I had the opportunity to learn from celebrity teachers, I was always disappointed. At Westfield, I was mentored by a head teacher who supported my journey in an unexpected way.

But coming to Westfield Primary Academy in Hinckley, Leicestershire, I found myself. I met teachers, I observed a teacher, and after I signed my part-time contract, I saw a teacher at school. I am that teacher. Despite enjoying all that I have done on and off the internet, this journey has simply been about me becoming and reinforcing that I am a teacher. A values-led teacher. I like to meet and get to know people and build relationships, much more personal than professional at a fundamental level. And whilst many roles attracted me as I explored and am yet to explore these elements, it was clear to me that Westfield was the final destination for someone who had to become a teacher.

Teachers play a vital role in society, shaping students and inspiring innovation. They become role models, mentors, and confidants for students, leaving a lasting impact on their lives. In a rapidly changing world, teachers have become even more important, fostering qualities beyond academics and promoting peace and tolerance in diverse communities.

Challenges and Rewards

Teaching is kind of a conundrum. On one hand, it’s an incredibly rewarding career with the very tangible positive impact you can make on kids’ lives. On the other hand, it’s incredibly challenging work, and it can be draining to face obstacles day after day. Common obstacles include the amount of work, endless paperwork, never-ending administrative pressure to change your instruction, classroom management, embracing the humanity that flows in a classroom, home life, and a focus on standardized test scores. There is also an emotional toll involved in teaching; teacher burnout is very real and very common. Many teachers leave the profession because of a lack of unique instructional freedom, but they most often leave due to the lack of an emotional return on their hard work.

The realistic joy we do get from seeing a student's "aha" moment in our work comes with a heavy mindset of resilience. Rather than a burst of energy, resilience grows slowly. It’s the quiet part of our closeness to students that nobody but us sees. It’s about patience and persistence, about resistance to helplessness and hopelessness. Teachers across age and skill levels feel determined to continue, even as they feel the obstacles before them. They acknowledge their barriers and recognize the little successes that go uncelebrated in the world but are deeply fulfilling: laughter shared among students, the relief whispered in an uncertain question, the sudden understanding hitting a brain. There is a resilience to teaching, a calling to keep moving despite the push. Call it our brand of activism, be it an adventure or breaking a cycle. We are drawn to the greedy satisfaction of change and the mutual joy of real progress. Each child a better person in greater society; it sometimes whispers hits the soul harder than loud applause.


After exploring educators' affinity toward teaching, it became clear that it is not initially driven by a desire to impart knowledge. However, a common theme among educators is the personal fulfillment they find in working with diverse individuals. This paper will explain how teaching allows educators to grow and appreciate life on a different plane within a diverse community of learners.

The greatest teachers not only impart academic knowledge but also help students grow. Teaching is presented as transformative and fulfilling. The best teachers constantly renew their inclination to teach and are committed to embarking upon 21st-century teaching. Teachers itch because there is still so much possibility in wanting and waiting to scratch.

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Why I Want to Be a Teacher. (2024, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-a-teacher/