Why did Brutus Betray Julius: Analyzing the Motives

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Why did Brutus Betray Julius: Analyzing the Motives

This essay will delve into the character of Brutus in William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” and explore his motives for betraying Julius Caesar. It will examine the complex interplay of political ideals, personal loyalties, and Brutus’s internal conflicts that lead to his pivotal decision. The essay will analyze how Brutus’s love for Rome and fear of tyranny compel him to join the conspirators, despite his close relationship with Caesar. It will also consider how Shakespeare portrays Brutus as a tragic hero torn between public duty and private affection. The overview aims to provide a nuanced understanding of Brutus’s character and the moral and ethical dilemmas he faces in the play. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Julius Caesar.

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Brutus and Mark had unalike motives during their lecture to the town. Brutus made the people accept being helped by the crazy plotters for killing Julius. Mark is a comrade to Julius by telling Brutus and the plotters what they actually are: ruthless assassins who execute Julius from distress and insecurity and never for Rome. Mark wants to stir up people to act out and end the swindlers. Brutus’ words are gibberish and pathetic from start to end.

Brutus’s Motives and Flawed Monologue

Moving towards the citizens as the quick-witted expert, when in fact, the mob contains nothing but ignorant riffraff who couldn’t figure out for themselves what’s right from wrong, was Brutus’ catastrophic error.

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Throughout, Brutus indicates how he zeals for Julius and that he feels more guilt for the death of Julius than himself. Later, paying tribute to the marvelous life of Julius, Brutus explains why he terminated him because he respects the city more than Julius and that Julius had become pushy. The naive coterie was pleased to hear that Brutus loves Rome. The people couldn’t comprehend the concept of being killed for a purpose, as Brutus never mentioned how Julius was forceful or why he should be so inhumanly penalized. Brutus left a feeble-minded, crazy crowd all the pieces to put together, not able to think for themselves, and therefore, couldn’t understand his monologue.

The outcome of Brutus’ monologue upset the riffraff that jumped on the dream craze due to fascinating utters of Brutus’ pride for the city; in fact, they did not get the monologue fully. His intentions for slandering Julius plausibly single-handedly caused the destruction of the city. Now, Mark had to sway them that Brutus was untrue to Julius’ desire and that they would turn against Brutus and the plotters. Compared to Brutus’ monologue, Antony’s was smart. Beforehand, Mark faced two complex situations: one was the fact that he carried a set of negative base principles made by Brutus, and the town chose Brutus’ side.

Antony’s Opposition and Persuasive Rhetoric

Instantaneously, Mark did what Brutus did, not bond with them but rather babbling above them. The public is not lost when Mark talks in a humble manner, such as his friendship with Julius. By using the sensible part of Julius’ ideals, when he turned from the crown at Lupercal, the people question if Julius was too pushy or not. Following curiosity about the good work Julius has done for the city, Mark criticizes Brutus by chaining Julius’ actions with Brutus’ respect. What Mark did was very smart because it allowed the aspect to think that if Julius was, in fact, not brash, Brutus was, in fact, not a respectable man. What’s left to do is delete the belief of Julius being overly pushy, and that is literally what he does. Altogether, Antony does build up an alliance with the people.


When he cries sincerely, they can relate to the commotion. Uses the corpse of Julius and talks vividly manner about each cut. Another plan in Mark’s monologue is that it displays how much Julius loved Rome. Once he had them on his side, they thought that rising was their personal notion, and this is what the people finally did. These two monologue shows what a vigorous tool phraseology is if it is consumed in the correct way that fits the surroundings. Brutus’ monologue was a downfall because he was unfit to announce on the same level as his viewers. Speaking of which, Mark said what they needed to hear in a clear and plain way so they could follow it. The polite clash was to spew had formerly had been won, not with blades in the arena, but with elite language from Mark.


  1. “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare 

  2. “The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome” by Michael Parenti 

  3. “The Death of Caesar: The Story of History’s Most Famous Assassination” by Barry Strauss

  4. “The Murder of Caesar: A Psychoanalytic Study of the Etiology and Therapy of Homicide” by James L. Crenshaw

  5. “The Ides: Caesar’s Murder and the War for Rome” by Stephen Dando-Collins

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Why Did Brutus Betray Julius: Analyzing the Motives. (2023, Sep 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-did-brutus-betray-julius-analyzing-the-motives/