Who if Either Showed Greater Resilience Oedipus or Hamlet

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Updated: Nov 14, 2023
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The question of who displayed greater resilience, Oedipus from Sophocles’ “Oedipus Rex” or Hamlet from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, invites a deep exploration of these two tragic heroes’ characters. Both plays are monumental works in literature and have been analyzed for centuries for their complex portrayal of human emotions and characteristics, including resilience in the face of overwhelming tragedies and moral dilemmas.

Oedipus, the protagonist of “Oedipus Rex”, faces a harrowing journey. Unknowingly, he fulfills a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother, leading to a disastrous unraveling of events.

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Despite his initial arrogance and quickness to anger, Oedipus’ resilience is evident in his unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth, despite the personal cost. His eventual acceptance of his fate and self-imposed punishment of blindness and exile showcase a form of resilience that is intertwined with responsibility and self-awareness.

On the other hand, Hamlet in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” grapples with the murder of his father and the subsequent marriage of his mother to his uncle, who is revealed to be his father’s murderer. Hamlet’s resilience is less straightforward than Oedipus’. He oscillates between action and inaction, driven by intense emotional turmoil and philosophical introspection. Hamlet’s resilience is intellectual and contemplative; he persistently questions moral truths and the nature of existence. His ultimate decision to avenge his father’s death, accepting his own likely demise, shows a resigned resilience to fate and duty.

Comparing the resilience of Oedipus and Hamlet involves considering different types of resilience. Oedipus exhibits a more active and confrontational form of resilience. He is relentless in seeking the truth and accepting the consequences. Hamlet’s resilience, however, is more reflective and internal. He battles with his conscience, moral dilemmas, and the existential crisis of his situation, ultimately leading to a sort of philosophical resilience.

Ultimately, determining who showed greater resilience might depend on one’s interpretation of what constitutes resilience. If it is seen as the ability to confront and accept harsh truths, Oedipus may be viewed as more resilient. However, if resilience is understood as the capacity to endure existential and moral quandaries, Hamlet could be considered the more resilient character. Both characters, in their unique ways, demonstrate profound resilience in the face of tragic circumstances and complex personal struggles.

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Who If Either Showed Greater Resilience Oedipus Or Hamlet. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/who-if-either-showed-greater-resilience-oedipus-or-hamlet/