Who am I? Understanding the Self through Past Reflections and Future Aspirations

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Updated: Aug 26, 2023
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Embracing the Past for Personal Growth

Self-actualization requires reflection on your past experiences and learning from them. This can be difficult because it can reopen emotional wounds and negative associations we may have had. Yet, it’s precisely this confrontation with the past that empowers us to make constructive changes.

Accepting and understanding our history, both the good and the bad, serves as the foundation upon which we can build a more fulfilling future. For self-actualization to happen, you must be willing to put yourself out there emotionally by revisiting old memories.

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However, it is important not to dwell on the negative aspects of your past; learning from them is critical to moving forward into your future with optimism and hope.

I was much different before my first year of high school here at Schurr. Before, I was very talkative (very much an extrovert), I enjoyed going out, I enjoyed going out with my friends, I enjoyed going to school, and my life was going perfectly. I had so much to do, and I was always so happy. However, that all changed when I lost all my friends. I used to go out every day, but now I stay inside. I used to try and make friends all the time, but now I keep to myself. It all went downhill.

Aspirations for a Brighter Future

The person I am today is not the best. Physically, things are well, but socially and mentally, things are not. I may be fit, work out daily, and keep all my grades high. However, on the inside, things are a mess. I do not have friends, I do not talk to people that often, I do not go out, I do not have much confidence, I only play video games in my free time, and I am lonely. The person I am today is the person who is going to change for the better. I have to.

In The future, I would want to be many things. I want to be taller, I want more muscle, I want more body mass, I want to be more of an extrovert, I want to be more confident in myself, and I would not want to be lonely. I would want to be what people call “The epitome of a Giga Chad.” These are all things I want for myself, and I am working towards all of them. I am not going to carry on as the person I am today. No matter what.

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Who Am I? Understanding the Self Through Past Reflections and Future Aspirations. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/who-am-i-understanding-the-self-through-past-reflections-and-future-aspirations/