Which Social Structure did the Aztecs and the Incas have in Common?

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Updated: Aug 10, 2023
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There are many similar and different things that the Aztecs and Incas shared. Like fruits in a basket, they both share many things in common, the juices and the category of food. They are both very different in shape, color, and taste, just like the civilizations that we are comparing. In the end, everyone has their preferences of which one is the better one. Both made a huge impact on history which is huge for both of them and their legacy.

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Worship of Gods: A Divine Connection

Worshipping Gods were both very important to live in the civilizations. The Aztecs were worshipping the god of the sun and war. They chose to do that because those two things were very important to their daily and yearly lifestyle. The sun provided good crops, so it was important to please the sun god. Then war was also crucial to win, so they needed the God of war to protect them. The Incas weren’t as consistent with what Gods to worship; they were kinda scattered on what they needed at that time.

The Aztecs were made by seeing this big, bold, and juicy eagle eating a large and slimy snake while sitting on a prickly cactus in the middle of a dry and hot desert. At the same time, the Incas chose to find somewhere where there was some good soil to prosper crops for a living. They started out by slaughtering other smaller tribes to gain power. The Incas were greater at the top of their time than the Aztecs. The government how they chose to guide their people during the year from war to survival, was more efficient.

For commitment to what they believed in, I would say the Aztecs would be the bigger brother in this family. They would kill people and drip their blood on the stairs slowly while the sun was shining on the victim for everyone to see. They thought that would please their gods to give them some favorable outcomes. The Incas were like nah, we’re not gonna be that crazy with our religion. Maybe when they felt like they needed something important from a god, they would just sacrifice one or two t people in their tribe.

Social Structure: Hierarchy vs. Equality

For the Aztecs were separated into four classes. The high, normal, low, and servants or slaves. Like usually any society, the powerful would own the land and get all the better things compared to the slaves who were there to serve them. There were two kinds of slaves. One who got some playtime when they worked and the another who just worked until they were almost crumpled up like a sun tried rasin’. The Incas were kinda just as worse. Everyone was just the same. Same pay no matter what you do. It was like you could be working so hard versus a lazy fat guy who just laid in the sun to tan would get the same pay and life as you. So that wasn’t too much of a balance. This was good for peace because no one would be better than another. This created a lack of motivation in a sense because there was nothing to fight or aim for in life for them.

The government was a critical part of both of them. Aztecs had leaders with leaders above them. So just think of a ladder or some kind of stairs that have levels to them. Then at the top, there was the king. He was like the lion or the top of the food chain. He did whatever he wanted to do. Otherwise, he would devour you like a tender sautéed steak. Somehow he became a God, too, so people had to worship him as well. Incan people had a more equal leadership, with a more centralized system and power. They were better at making a system people followed. From the military to trading. Also, they were more organized because they thought of a language to use so everyone would be on the same page and not be confused with each other.


In the end, they were all overruled by other tribes who came out of the shadows. At least they were like the OG’s in the civilization game that brought them up and their successors. We also have learned many things and intergraded come into our life. They made paths for us to follow and advance. Both civilizations were big role models in history.


  1. “The Conquest of New Spain” by Bernal Díaz del Castillo
  2. “The Aztecs: A Very Short Introduction” by David Carrasco
  3. “The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico” edited by Miguel León-Portilla


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Which Social Structure Did the Aztecs and the Incas Have in Common?. (2023, Aug 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/which-social-structure-did-the-aztecs-and-the-incas-have-in-common/