Unlocking Potential through Overcoming Shyness

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Unlocking Potential through Overcoming Shyness

This essay will discuss how overcoming shyness can unlock personal potential. It will offer strategies for building confidence, improving social skills, and embracing opportunities. The piece will explore the psychological aspects of shyness and the benefits of stepping out of comfort zones for personal growth. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to School.

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Getting into Social Work Certificate Program at Binghamton University is a significant part of my career plans. I know that this program can provide a robust dynamic environment needed to improve my weakness and strengthen my skills as I work toward developing the professional career I want to pursue. I believe the education that I will receive at Binghamton University’s master’s program can indeed help me become an inspiring and professional social worker. I will receive the training that will allow me to have the opportunity to work with a group of professionals who are committed to social justice and improving life quality and welfare.

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The training that I received provided me with the knowledge that did not carry over; it is throughout my career and life experience later. I think Binghamton University have more opportunity and chance to develop more skills. The department attaches great importance to the combination of theory and practice in both the classroom and the field. The department has established field placement partnerships with more than 200 organizations, offices, and agencies in the southern and surrounding counties to allow students to pursue specific areas of interest to them. I can join many areas when I do the internship.

I think that my strengths are understanding friends’ problems and trying to help them, my ability to solve conflict situations, my passion for working, and my high level of responsibility. When my friends have a problem in their lives, I will be a good listener; I will try to help my friend solve the problems. My biggest weakness is definitely time management, and I usually have too many things going on at the same time and struggle to juggle them all. I will use a plan book to write a schedule; then, I can do one thing at a time. I will put the important things first and the less important things last, and then I can spend time on one thing. I am naturally shy. When I was in high school, I didn’t like speaking with my classmate. I know that I am too shy to speak. In my college year, I tried to present in public and did the project with classmates; it was fun and really helped me overcome my shame.

I want to become a qualified professional through a master’s program. While I am studying this program, I am not only preparing for social work, but I am also developing life skills that will come in handy in the future. I can learn some skills throughout my career and personal life. I want to improve my communication skills, verbal skills, and written communication skills. I want to work in a different area and gain valuable experience. I can handle emergencies and greater responsibilities later, and I will enrich my life through experiences. I will complete the amount of internship time; this is a practical experience.

Social workers are the core and soul of helping the profession. Professional social work practices differ from the other help professionals that help people have the best possible way in their environment. I chose social work because I am passion work with other people and helping others. I grew up in a family with generous and loving parents; when I was older and older, I realized that not everyone is fortunate. I want to provide these services to children, families, and adults. I want to help someone who needs help. The other reason for my brother’s case, the social worker help my brother to develop his skills.

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Unlocking Potential Through Overcoming Shyness. (2023, Mar 24). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/unlocking-potential-through-overcoming-shyness/