Overcoming Language and Gender Shyness: Journey in the USA

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Updated: Mar 24, 2023
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“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” Molière. ‘When I came to the US, There were many obstacles in my life as Language and Gender Issues.’ I have never imagined my life here. When I came here, I faced a lot of problems. My most big problems were language and a lack of confidence because of Gender Issues.

My first problem was my language because my native language is Urdu. I had not spoken proper English in my life before I came to the USA.

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I had good listening, but on the other hand, I didn’t speak English. I always felt shy whenever I want to speak English. I always felt hesitant to talk to anybody because of my poor English. I remember that time when I have to make an appointment with my doctor. I was very nervous at that time. I didn’t know how to explain my problem to the receptionist. Then I ask my brother to make an appointment on my behalf of me. I have always visited my doctor with someone who can explain my problems to them. That was so embarrassing for me. I was so fed up trying to ask someone to talk to on my behalf, and one day I decided that I’ll continue my studies and learn English. So I enrolled in ACCC in 2017 to learn English. After that, I changed myself a lot.

My second problem was the Gender Issues. I had always been shied person when I came to the USA. Sometimes I cried and asked my parents why they had brought me here. I am from Pakistan, and I had raised in a different culture. In my culture, girls haven’t talked to boys except for their families. In my culture, most people didn’t like strange male and female interactions. I was studying in high school When I came here. I had always studied at the girls’ school, While I was in Pakistan. In my country, a lot of people don’t like co-education. When I came here, I hardly tried to communicate with males. I tried so hard, and after sometimes I got used to it. While I was studying at ACCC, I talked to males classmates who were from a different cultures. While I was studying at ACCC, I met many male students in my ESL classes. I felt shy In the beginning. I have had to interact with them for the class work, but after some time, I got used to it. I made a lot of male friends there. I can’t believe how that happened. But life goes on no matter what happens. Now I am comfortable talking with males. Now, gender is no more an issue for me.

Indeed, I believe that nothing is permanent and nothing is impossible. I tried late but overcame my obstacles. Now I’m more confident talking to the males, and I have got some good male friends here. On the other hand, now I have better listening and speaking skills. Now I always go to the doctor by myself and explain my problem to them by myself. Life becomes so much easy. Now I am more comfortable and happy here with my family.

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Overcoming Language and Gender Shyness: Journey in the USA. (2023, Mar 24). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/overcoming-language-and-gender-shyness-journey-in-the-usa/