Understanding Breast Cancer

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Updated: Oct 19, 2023
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Understanding Breast Cancer

A foundational guide explaining the biology, types, stages, and risk factors of breast cancer, aiming to educate readers on its complexities and common misconceptions. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Breast Cancer topic.

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This paper will clarify what Breast Cancer is. It will explain the symptoms, treatment options, and other useful information regarding this disease. The first thing to know about Breast Cancer is understanding what it is. According to the Cancer.org website, breast cancer begins when cells in the bosom begin to spread out of control. The tumor that is formed from these cells may be detected on an x-ray or can be felt as a lump. Malignancy can advance into neighboring tissues or trickle to distant places within the individual.

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1 There are a few different ways to find out if someone has Breast Cancer. One of them is by a woman giving them self a breast self-exam. This is also one of the things Gynecologist check for at a woman’s annual exam. Gynecologists checks for lumps in all women at their annual Gynecology appointments. Of course, not all cancers can be found just by doing this exam, that’s why there are tests that can be done to find the Breast Cancer. However, it is an important precaution for women to take for themselves.

There are imaging tests to screen an area that is of concern. These tests are called mammograms. The other tests are breast Ultrasound, Breast MRI Scans, Molecular Breast Imaging, Optical Imaging Test, Electrical impedance imaging, and Elastography. There is a form of mammogram that is more recent. This exam is called Breast tomosynthesis, which is also known as 3D mammography. In this evaluation, a machine takes low-dose radioactive imagery as it maneuvers on the breast. The program then pieces images into a 3-dimensional print.1 If a test shows that a patient may have breast cancer, the patient will have to get a biopsy. There are a few distinct types of biopsies for checking cancer in the breast. A few require a needle, and others an incision.1 In 2018, there are various Breast Cancer Treatment options available for breast cancer patients. These treatment options are available to Breast Cancer patients who range from having early-stage cancer to advanced breast cancer.

When patients are at the point of deciding their treatments for their breast cancer, a clinical trial is often emboldened to think about as an option. 5 There is literature to suggest that it is always a good idea to get a second opinion when it comes to the plan for treatment of breast cancer. It’s so important to that a patient is sure they are comfortable with the plan of treatment for their cancer. As mentioned earlier, there are various breast cancer treatment options that are available. Surgery, Chemo Therapy, Radiation Therapy, Hormonal Therapy, Targeted Immunotherapy, and clinical trials. There are also medications that can be prescribed to the patient to treat cancer-and treatment-related pain.3 The therapy or treatment a breast cancer patient receives is dependent on what stage cancer they have, for example, if a person has a stage IV Breast Cancer, which is metastatic, they would be treated with a therapy called Systemic Therapy. This can also subsume Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or a miscellany of these treatments that were just mentioned.2 There are a distinct number of things that society can do to lower the chance of getting breast cancer. Habit changing is one way, having a limit to alcohol consumption is helpful to lower the possibility. Information given online mentions not smoking, maintaining one’s healthy weight, breastfeeding, and averting from any radioactivity, or pollution from ecological surroundings.

From research, Breast Cancer is one of the top two most prevalent reasons for death in America. Cancer of the lungs is the number one cause of death. Unfortunately, in 2018, over forty thousand women are believed to pass away due breast cancer. A person’s probability of getting this cancer increases if she has a family member who has also been determined to have breast cancer.4 There are tests that determine if a person has a pattern of development for cancer that runs in their family. These tests focus on finding the unhealthy BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation in their gene. The DNA of a person is what is required for testing the mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2. Typically, from the sample of the subject’s sputum or their blood. The human genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes which create proteins that are tumor suppressors. These said proteins aid in repairing impaired DNA. Consequently, important in securing the balance, or cohesion of all the cell’s hereditary make up. Explicit genetic alterations in BRCA2 and BRCA2 reputably boosts the possibility of cancer in the breast and ovaries of females. Individuals who have the mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 that have been passed down to them, are likely to get ovarian and breast cancers at ages earlier than those who are without the mutations of the above-mentioned BRCA1 and BRCA2.7 Early detection is the key, it’s imperative that women and men get their routine checkups to make sure they don’t have any of the abnormalities like lumps that can be found in the breasts. Paying attention and knowing your body is also important. If someone is experiencing different things or symptoms. It is critical that they get these symptoms looked and taken care of right away. It is always better to be cautious than to be sorry, later.

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Understanding Breast Cancer. (2019, May 06). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-breast-cancer/