The Cost of Underage Drinking

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What could you do with $1,000? You might imagine indulging in 235 pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks or enjoying nine days at Disneyland. However, for many young people, that $1,000 could be lost in an instant due to the consequences of underage drinking. In Idaho, for example, it is illegal for anyone under 21 to possess, purchase, attempt to purchase, or serve alcoholic beverages. The penalties are steep: a first conviction can result in a fine of up to $1,000. Subsequent offenses carry even harsher penalties, including fines up to $3,000 and the possibility of jail time.

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Today, I aim to inform you about the pressing issue of underage drinking and explore potential solutions. This essay will delve into the reasons why underage drinking poses a significant problem, examine the factors contributing to this issue, and discuss the measures being implemented to address it. Let's begin by examining the detrimental impact of underage drinking.

The Problem

Underage drinking represents a substantial threat to public health in the United States. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), alcohol consumption among minors can have severe consequences for their health and behavior. Research from the Drug Abuse Warning Network reveals that approximately 1,900 emergency room visits related to drug abuse involved individuals under 21, with alcohol playing a role in half of these cases. Alarmingly, 43.2% of all drug misuse and abuse incidents involved individuals younger than 21.

The dangers of underage drinking extend beyond personal health. Studies indicate that alcohol consumption by minors often leads to risky behaviors, such as impaired driving, suicide attempts, and involvement in other illegal activities. The NIAAA estimates that underage drinking is responsible for the deaths of more than 5,000 teenagers annually. This includes 1,900 fatalities from alcohol-related driving incidents, 1,600 deaths caused by intoxicated individuals, 300 suicides, and hundreds of accidents, such as falls, burns, and drownings. Furthermore, a CDC study found that 33% of high school students admitted to consuming alcohol within the past month, with 18% engaging in binge drinking, 8% driving under the influence, and 20% riding with a drunk driver.

These statistics underscore the pervasive nature of underage drinking in the United States and highlight the urgent need for effective interventions.


Understanding the root causes of underage drinking is crucial to addressing the issue. In today's world, various factors influence young people's decisions to consume alcohol, including social media, peer pressure, and entertainment. The NIAAA identifies several key influences, such as inherited alcoholism and social pressures from parents and friends.

A study conducted by the New York Times Company explored the relationship between film exposure and underage drinking. Researchers examined over 5,000 teenagers and identified more than 350 popular movies featuring alcohol. The findings revealed a significant correlation between exposure to alcohol in movies and increased risk of underage and binge drinking. Participants who watched these films were 2.4 times more likely to drink weekly and twice as likely to experience alcohol-related issues.

Parental influence also plays a significant role in underage drinking. Children who grow up in households with alcoholic parents are more likely to engage in drinking themselves compared to those from non-alcoholic families. Additionally, some parents mistakenly believe that allowing their underage children to drink at home is safer than letting them drink at parties, inadvertently contributing to the problem.

Peer pressure is another critical factor. A survey found that 74% of teens felt pressured by their peers to drink on prom night. Opposing Viewpoints notes that binge drinking is often seen as a rite of passage, particularly on college campuses where most students are underage. Fraternities, sororities, dorm parties, and other social gatherings provide easy access to alcohol, further normalizing underage drinking.

Addressing these influences requires a comprehensive understanding of the environments where underage drinking occurs, from homes to social events like prom.


Efforts to combat underage drinking involve parental, school-based, and environmental approaches. First, parents play a pivotal role in prevention. Researchers emphasize the importance of open communication between parents and their teens regarding the dangers of underage drinking. Parental involvement and guidance can significantly reduce the likelihood of alcohol consumption among minors.

Schools also have a vital role to play in prevention. Implementing educational programs that raise awareness about the risks of underage drinking and provide prevention strategies is essential. These programs can equip students with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about alcohol consumption.

Furthermore, environmental measures have shown promise in reducing underage drinking rates. Increasing the price of alcohol, raising the legal drinking age, and enhancing the enforcement of alcohol-related laws have all proven effective. The Alcohol Problems and Solutions page highlights a significant decline in alcohol consumption among high school seniors, from 87.9% in 1980 to around 53% in 2014. This positive trend indicates that society is making progress in addressing the issue.

Although underage drinking remains a significant problem, the combined efforts of parents, schools, and communities are gradually improving the situation. By continuing to prioritize awareness and prevention, we can further reduce the prevalence of underage drinking and its associated risks.

In conclusion, the issue of underage drinking demands our attention and action. We have explored the reasons why it is a problem, examined the factors contributing to it, and discussed the steps being taken to address it. As we move forward, let us remember the value of responsible decision-making and consider the potential consequences of our actions. Instead of spending $1,000 on fines and penalties, imagine the countless possibilities it could bring. Most importantly, let us strive to create a safer, healthier future for our youth. Thank you for your attention.

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The Cost of Underage Drinking. (2019, Nov 01). Retrieved from