The Theme of Personal Growth in ‘The Secret Life of Bees’

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Sue Monk Kidd’s book, The Secret Life of Bees, tells a gripping story about growing up and finding oneself. Set in South Carolina during the racially charged year of 1964, it follows a young girl named Lily Owens. She goes on a quest to learn the truth about her mom who passed away. Along the way, she meets different people and gets involved in a new world, changing a lot in the process. This essay will look at how growing up and self-discovery are key themes in The Secret Life of Bees, and how these themes are intertwined with the characters’ lives and the story itself.

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At the start, Lily Owens is shown as a troubled and confused girl. She feels guilty about her mom’s death and lives under the harsh rule of her mean dad, T. Ray. Her journey of personal growth kicks off when she decides to run away from home. This act shows her wish to leave her past behind and find a new self. This big step marks the beginning of her transformation. Running away from her dad isn’t just about getting away physically but also about starting a journey of self-discovery. Throughout the book, Lily’s interactions with the Boatwright sisters—August, June, and May—are key to her growth. These sisters, who keep bees, show Lily a world full of love, acceptance, and spiritual growth. August Boatwright, in particular, becomes like a mother to Lily, offering her the guidance she needs. Through August, Lily learns about forgiveness, strength, and self-worth.

The beekeeping in the story is a big metaphor for personal growth. Just like bees work together to make a hive, the characters need to support each other to do well. The beekeeping process is a mirror to Lily’s own journey of finding herself. As she gets more into beekeeping, she starts to understand herself and her place in the world better. Bees, with their organized social life and loyalty to their queen, symbolize community and belonging. This highlights how important it is to find one’s own place in the world.

Another big part of Lily’s growth in The Secret Life of Bees is her changing views on race and prejudice. Growing up in a mostly white society, Lily starts off with some of the racial biases of her time. But spending time with the Boatwright sisters and their tight-knit African American community changes her views. Through her friendships with people like Rosaleen, her black caretaker, and Zach, a young black man, Lily starts to see the deep injustices faced by African Americans. This new awareness is a big part of her personal growth, making her more empathetic and committed to fighting racial prejudice.

Lily’s search for a mother’s love and acceptance is also a big part of her self-discovery. Losing her mom early on leaves a big hole in Lily’s life, and her relationship with T. Ray lacks the love and care she needs. The Boatwright sisters, especially August, fill this hole, giving Lily the motherly love and guidance she’s been missing. Through her bond with August, Lily learns to forgive herself for what happened to her mom and to accept herself. This self-forgiveness and acceptance are crucial for Lily’s growth, helping her move forward with confidence and purpose.

In the end, The Secret Life of Bees is a touching story about personal growth and self-discovery. Through Lily’s journey, Sue Monk Kidd shows the power of love, forgiveness, and acceptance. The book’s rich symbolism, especially the beekeeping metaphor, highlights the importance of community and belonging in personal growth. Lily’s changing views on race and her search for motherly love add more layers to her journey of self-discovery. Ultimately, The Secret Life of Bees celebrates the strength of the human spirit and the power of finding oneself.

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The Theme of Personal Growth in 'The Secret Life of Bees'. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from