The Street by Ann Petry: an Analysis of Urban Struggle and Resilience

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Ann Petry’s book, The Street, came out in 1946. It dives deep into the tough lives African Americans had in Harlem in the 1940s. The story follows Lutie Johnson, a single mom trying to make a better life for her and her son despite the many challenges around them. Petry’s storytelling and sharp observations bring out themes of racism, gender issues, and chasing the American Dream. This essay will look at how Petry uses Harlem’s urban setting as more than just a place but as a force that shapes the lives of its people.

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By examining the setting, characters, and themes in the book, we can see the many layers of struggle and strength in this important work.

The Urban Setting as a Character

In The Street, Harlem isn’t just a backdrop; it’s like a character that deeply affects the lives of the people living there. Petry describes the city in detail, using strong images to show how tough the environment is. The street itself, with all its noise, pollution, and falling-apart buildings, shows the neglect and marginalization faced by the African American community. The wind, always present in the story, acts almost like a mean force that reflects the constant struggles Lutie and her neighbors go through. This harsh environment highlights the bigger societal forces that keep people in poverty. By showing Harlem this way, Petry not only points out the outside challenges but also the inner battles her characters face as they try to survive.

Character Development and Symbolism

Lutie Johnson is a strong symbol of toughness and determination against big odds. Petry creates Lutie as a well-rounded character whose life represents the bigger struggles of African American women in the 1940s. Lutie’s dreams for a better life are constantly blocked by the racial and gender discrimination she faces. Her interactions with people like Mrs. Hedges, who is practical but morally grey, and Boots Smith, a dangerous musician, show the complexities of surviving in a world full of exploitation. Petry uses these interactions to highlight the hard choices people often have to make to stay afloat. The novel also mentions Benjamin Franklin a lot, contrasting his ideals of self-improvement with Lutie’s tough reality, critiquing the idea of the American Dream for marginalized folks.

Thematic Exploration of Racism and Gender Oppression

The book is full of themes of racism and gender oppression, offering a strong critique of the social systems that trap African American women. Petry shows how these issues affect every part of Lutie’s life. The economic exploitation she faces at work, along with the sexual harassment from men like her landlord, Mr. Jones, show how widespread these injustices are. Petry also highlights the limited opportunities for Lutie and her son, Bub, showing how poverty and disenfranchisement are passed down. By portraying these barriers, Petry not only shows Lutie’s personal struggles but also calls for broader societal changes. Through Lutie’s story, Petry emphasizes the strength and agency of African American women, even in a world full of obstacles.


Ann Petry’s The Street is a powerful story that captures the hard life of African Americans in the 1940s urban setting. Through her vivid portrayal of Harlem, Petry makes the city itself a character that embodies the systemic challenges its residents face. Lutie Johnson’s fight against overwhelming odds shows the resilience of African American women, touching on themes of racism, gender oppression, and the shaky promise of the American Dream. Petry’s social commentary and empathetic characters invite readers to think about ongoing issues of inequality and injustice. In the end, The Street is not just a tale of struggle but also one of hope and perseverance, highlighting the enduring human spirit against adversity.

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The Street by Ann Petry: An Analysis of Urban Struggle and Resilience. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from