The Second Agricultural Revolution: a Turning Point in Agricultural History

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Between the years 1700 and 1900, there was a time called the Second Agricultural Revolution, or more officially, the British Agricultural Revolution. This time period is important because of how much growth was made in farming during this time. A big paradigm shift happened in the way farming was done during this time, which led to higher food outputs and the creation of more advanced farming methods. The important changes and advances that happened during the Second Agricultural Revolution are looked at in depth in this research piece.

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It shows how the Second Agricultural Revolution had huge impacts on society and the economy, and how it was a key part of setting the stage for the Industrial Revolution.

People in Britain think that the Second Agricultural Revolution began in the second half of the 17th century. Around this time, a number of new ideas started to change the old ways of farming that were being used at the time. Changing farming methods from open fields to contained systems was one of the most important changes that happened over time. “Enclosure” means putting together smaller pieces of land into bigger farming units and then building walls around them to keep people from getting in without permission. This means that the areas can’t be used for community activities anymore. Better farming methods were possible because of this change; landowners were given the freedom to use new farming tools and take better care of their land.

There were also some important changes during this time. For example, new farming technologies and methods were introduced. The seed drill, which is given to Jethro Tull and is seen as a major success, changed the way seeds are planted in a fundamental way. This groundbreaking invention made it possible to plant in a more straightforward and effective way, which increased productivity and, as a result, food yields. Without a doubt, one of the most important things that has changed the way farms work is the creation of new food rotation systems, like the Norfolk four-course system. The method used in this type of farming is called “crop rotation,” and it means growing different plants one after the other, like wheat, barley, clover, turnips, and more. The main goal of this approach is to keep the soil fertile while also cutting down on the number of times the land is left empty. It was important people like Robert Bakewell who were the first to use selective breeding in animals. This led to the creation of cattle that were healthier and more productive.

There should be no doubt about how important these improvements have been. Britain was able to better support its growing population thanks to the huge rise in farming output, which was good for the country as a whole. Because of the rise in farming output, fewer people are needed to do the work. This has made it easier to find workers. A good number of these people went to cities, which added to the work force that cities needed for the industrial revolution to grow quickly. Because of this, the Second Agricultural Revolution was a very important step toward industry and urbanization, which would define the 19th century. The world in the 1800s would be marked by these two changes.

Besides these government effects, the revolution also had big effects on society. The enclosure movement improved the amount of food that could be grown, but it also forced a lot of small-scale farmers to move, taking away their usual access to common areas. People who depended on the commons for their everyday needs were thrown into social chaos and had a hard time making ends meet. In rural society, the revolution brought about changes that led to a new structure, with a growing gap between rich landowners and lessees, or people who worked on farms. Because of the change, this happened.

At the end of the day, the Second Agricultural Revolution was a very important time in the history of farming. During this time, there were paradigm-shifting discoveries and big changes in how farming was done. This event has had a big impact on farming, which has not only made food security better but also had huge effects on how society and the business have changed over time. The longer-lasting importance of this event lies in the big impact it has had on this land. As the industrial revolution grew, it changed Britain’s economy and society in big ways. The farming revolution was a key part of making the industrial revolution possible. It had deep effects that went far beyond Britain. It had a big effect on how farming is done around the world and on the very structure of country life. The Second Agricultural Revolution is a turning point in history because it shows how complicated the relationship is between new farming technologies, big increases in the economy, and big changes in the way people live together.

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The Second Agricultural Revolution: A Turning Point in Agricultural History. (2023, Dec 01). Retrieved from