The Reconstruction Period: a Critical Turning Point in American History

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Updated: Jun 28, 2024
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The Reconstruction Period: a Critical Turning Point in American History

This essay about the Reconstruction period, from 1865 to 1877, explores its profound impact on American history. It examines the social, political, and economic challenges faced by the nation as it integrated millions of newly freed African Americans. The essay highlights key figures, legislative achievements, and the opposition encountered, culminating in the eventual end of Reconstruction and its lasting consequences on the nation.

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Period reconstruction, that moved from 1865 at first 1877, gives only sediment from eras more above all and yield processing to American history. It was time social, politics, and economic deep shock, because actual unis was grabbed with investigation civil war and appeals melting millions African Americans recently exempt in fabric American society. It essay investigates keys aspects period reconstruction, distinguishes his the bends points and influence, that it has on patient nation criticize.

War, that ends in 1865 civil, abandoned actual unis deeply divided and devastates economically, private on midday.

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War insisted lives approximately 620,000 soldiers, remained countless other attained, and wiped much from a thing from a south infrastructure. Scrap war too brought from liberation approximately enslaves four millions African Americans, throws open basic questions from their place in society and one in arrives the American national setting.

A reconstruction began with a president Abraham presentation Lincoln reunites nation and salary the world so as blow and durable. Access Lincoln, celebrates so as “10 steam a benefit,” breathed to bring commutes south personnels in the vite melting and with minimum punishment. Under it steam, a south personnel was able to be readmitted as soon as 10 benefit his electors were managed by an oath loyalty despite an association and accepted a scrap slavery. However, act Lincoln terrorist in April, 1865 rudely made off his leader in one flow from this critical connection.

Successor Lincoln, president Andrew Johnson, continued a process reconstruction and ran into above all appeals. Johnson, democrat, that remained loyal despite melting méridional, breathed to do modern politics, like Lincoln lenient. However, his access ran into cruel opposition from radical republicans in convention, that weighed, that midday is due to be anymore closely reformed and that African Americans deserved citizenship and complements equal rights.

Radical republicans, led persons so as for example Thaddeus Stevens and harles Sumner, pushed for more yields processing reconstruction. Delegated them a reconstruction operates 1867, that divided midday into territorial five departments and asked, for south personnels draft constitutions, guarantee the American African people the right to vote news. Complémentaire, 14 – ? correction, ratified in 1868, naturalized whole persons, were born or naturalized in actual unis, include the enslaved ancient people, and assured equal defence in adequacy with a law.

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The Reconstruction Period: A Critical Turning Point in American History. (2024, Jun 28). Retrieved from