The Protagonist Puzzle in Animal Farm

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Updated: Dec 22, 2023
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The Protagonist Puzzle in Animal Farm

The theme of Animal Farm, George Orwell’s allegorical masterpiece, revolves around the corrupting nature of power and the betrayal of revolutionary ideals. Through the lens of a seemingly idyllic animal society, Orwell satirizes the Russian Revolution and explores universal truths about human nature and political dynamics. The central theme unfolds as the pigs, who initially champion equality and freedom, succumb to the allure of authority, transforming the once-egalitarian farm into a tyrannical regime. The pigs’ manipulation of language and the rewriting of commandments encapsulate the theme’s essence, illustrating the erosion of truth and the perversion of noble intentions in the pursuit of power. Animal Farm’s theme resonates as a cautionary tale, highlighting the cyclical nature of political corruption and the perpetual struggle for genuine liberation. Ultimately, the theme encapsulates Orwell’s sobering commentary on the fragility of ideals in the face of unchecked ambition and the inherent dangers of power unchecked. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Animal Farm.

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When delving into the captivating world of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” one is confronted with a thought-provoking question: Who is the true protagonist of this allegorical masterpiece? The widely accepted notion designates the collective as the protagonist, arguing that the animals, driven by their collective pursuit of equality, represent the central force in the narrative. However, as a contrarian thinker, I propose a dissenting perspective—one that casts a spotlight on a singular figure: Benjamin, the cynical and enigmatic donkey.

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The prevailing interpretation hinges on the idea that the animals, as a group, embody the protagonist, their struggles symbolizing the broader themes of power, corruption, and the cyclical nature of history. While this viewpoint is not without merit, it tends to oversimplify the nuanced character dynamics within the farm. By zooming in on Benjamin, a character often overlooked in protagonist discussions, a more nuanced understanding emerges.

Benjamin, with his penchant for skepticism and his stoic demeanor, emerges as a counterforce to the collective optimism of the animals. In a narrative saturated with allegorical elements, Benjamin serves as a symbol of disillusionment, a character who sees through the utopian ideals that propel the animals into rebellion. His mantra, “Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey,” encapsulates his resigned outlook, suggesting a weariness that extends beyond the immediate struggles of Animal Farm. Benjamin’s perspective challenges the idealism of the collective, forcing readers to question the feasibility of lasting change and the inherent flaws in the pursuit of utopia.

Moreover, Benjamin’s pivotal role during critical junctures in the narrative cannot be ignored. In moments when the animals are swept up in fervor, Benjamin remains a steadfast observer, almost a silent narrator of the unfolding events. His silent protest and refusal to conform to the collective enthusiasm position him as a crucial figure in the story’s trajectory. In a sense, Benjamin’s quiet resistance makes him a protagonist of dissent, advocating for a more realistic and less idealized understanding of revolution and governance.

In contemplating the theme of Animal Farm, it becomes evident that Benjamin’s character challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding the collective as the protagonist. His stoicism and resistance to blind optimism create a narrative tension that propels the story beyond a simplistic dichotomy of oppressed animals versus tyrannical humans. In essence, Benjamin becomes a symbol of individual resistance, urging readers to question the very nature of power and authority.

While acknowledging the importance of the collective struggle, it is essential to recognize that the dynamics within the animal community are not homogeneous. Benjamin, with his unique perspective and refusal to succumb to herd mentality, adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. The theme of Animal Farm, therefore, extends beyond the communal pursuit of equality to encompass the individual’s struggle to maintain autonomy and critical thinking amidst the tumult of societal change.

In conclusion, challenging the conventional interpretation of the collective as the protagonist in Animal Farm opens up new avenues for exploration. Benjamin, with his enigmatic presence and dissenting voice, emerges as a compelling alternative protagonist, offering a nuanced perspective on the complexities of revolution and governance. By delving into the layers of individual resistance and skepticism, readers can glean a deeper understanding of the thematic richness embedded in Orwell’s timeless allegory. In the end, the protagonist puzzle in Animal Farm is not a straightforward equation but a mosaic of characters, each contributing to the overarching theme in their unique way.

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The Protagonist Puzzle in Animal Farm. (2023, Dec 22). Retrieved from