The Post-Apocalyptic World of “Enclave” by Ann Aguirre: a Summary

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Ann Aguirre’s book “Enclave” dives deep into a world where survival’s no joke. Imagine living underground ’cause the surface is a mess. That’s the setting here, and it’s a wild ride. I’ll give you a quick rundown of the story and talk about the big themes and what Aguirre might be saying about society.

Summary of “Enclave”

So, we’ve got Deuce, a young girl who’s lived her whole life in this underground place called College.

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In her world, people have specific jobs: Builders, Breeders, and Hunters. Deuce has always wanted to be a Huntress, and she finally gets her wish. Her job? Protect the enclave from dangers and find food. Her partner, Fade, is this mysterious guy who’s not originally from the enclave but has earned his spot.

The biggest threat to their enclave is these mutant creatures called Freaks. At first, they seem like dumb monsters, but as the story goes on, they start showing some smarts. This freaks out the enclave leaders (pun intended), and they have to rethink everything they know about these creatures.

Deuce and Fade grow closer while facing all sorts of challenges. But things get even tougher when they get kicked out of the enclave because of some political drama and infighting. Now they’ve gotta survive on the surface, which is no picnic. They meet other survivors with their own ways of dealing with the apocalypse.

Themes and Analysis

“Enclave” touches on some big ideas like survival, how society’s structured, and what it means to be human. The enclave’s strict roles remind me of how in real life, societies can be super rigid and divided. At first, their system seems to work, but it’s got cracks, especially when corruption and stubbornness rear their ugly heads.

Survival is a major theme here. The enclave’s got all these strict rules to keep folks alive, but sometimes those rules squash personal freedom and morals. For example, they exile anyone who rocks the boat, which shows the tug-of-war between community safety and doing what’s right. Deuce starts to see that maybe the enclave’s way isn’t the best in the long run, especially with the Freaks getting smarter.

Speaking of Freaks, their evolution from dumb beasts to cunning enemies is like a metaphor for how unpredictable threats can be. This forces the enclave folks to rethink their strategies and what they know about the world. It also blurs the line between humans and monsters, making us wonder about what really makes us human.

Socio-Political Commentary

Aguirre’s book also seems to comment on societies that resist change. The enclave’s leaders refuse to see the Freaks changing, kinda like how some real-world governments ignore new problems until it’s too late. This stubbornness is a big flaw and leads to their downfall.

The book also looks at power and control in a closed-off society. The leaders keep things in line with fear and tradition, squashing any new ideas. This works for a while but is a disaster in the end. Aguirre seems to be saying that real strength comes from being flexible and open-minded.

Then there’s Deuce and Fade’s relationship, which is based on respect and trust. This contrasts with the enclave’s strict hierarchy. Through them, Aguirre suggests a more equal and team-based approach to leadership.


Ann Aguirre’s “Enclave” is a gripping look at a dystopian world where survival, change, and humanity are put to the test. The story of life underground and the evolving threat of the Freaks offers some deep thoughts on how societies are structured, who holds power, and why change is crucial. As Deuce and Fade navigate their dangerous world, their journey reminds us of the power of resilience, adaptability, and the human spirit.

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The Post-Apocalyptic World of "Enclave" by Ann Aguirre: A Summary. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from