The Mystique of “A very Old Man with Enormous Wings”

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Gabriel García Márquez's short story "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" is a quintessential example of magical realism that invites readers to explore the boundaries between the mundane and the extraordinary. Published in 1955, this narrative transcends simple storytelling, offering profound insights into human nature, faith, and the complexities of interpreting the unknown. The tale revolves around an enigmatic old man with wings who inexplicably appears in a coastal village, baffling villagers who oscillate between reverence and exploitation.

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This essay will delve into the thematic intricacies of Márquez's narrative, examining its symbolic elements, the interplay of realism and fantasy, and the societal implications reflected in the villagers' responses. By dissecting these components, the essay aims to elucidate how "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" serves as a mirror reflecting human tendencies towards the unfamiliar and the divine.

Symbolism and the Human Condition

In "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings," Márquez employs rich symbolism to explore the human condition, particularly our responses to the inexplicable. The titular character, the old man with wings, functions as an allegory for the divine or the supernatural—a presence that confounds and intrigues. His wings, described as "buzzard wings, dirty and half-plucked," contrast the traditional image of angelic beings, prompting readers to question preconceived notions of divinity (Márquez, 1955). This duality invites a reevaluation of faith and spirituality, urging individuals to look beyond appearances and consider the essence of the divine.

Furthermore, the villagers' varied reactions to the old man—from the initial awe to eventual exploitation—highlight a fundamental aspect of human nature: the tendency to commodify the unknown. The old man's treatment as a spectacle, akin to a circus attraction, underscores the commercialization of the miraculous. This phenomenon is not merely fictional; it echoes real-world instances where sacred or mysterious elements are monetized, as seen in various religious relics or sites becoming tourist attractions. Through this symbolism, Márquez critiques the human inclination to prioritize material gain over spiritual insight, reflecting a broader societal commentary on the commercialization of faith.

The Interplay of Realism and Fantasy

Márquez's narrative seamlessly intertwines realism with fantasy, creating a tapestry that challenges readers to discern the boundaries of reality. This interplay is a hallmark of magical realism, a literary genre that Márquez famously championed, blending the ordinary with the extraordinary in a way that feels plausible. The story's setting—a nondescript village plagued by mundane concerns like illness and poverty—serves as a stark backdrop for the fantastical arrival of the winged man. This juxtaposition magnifies the story's thematic depth, as the villagers' practical concerns collide with the surreal presence of the old man.

The narrative structure supports this blend of realism and fantasy, with Márquez employing a third-person omniscient perspective that offers an objective recounting of events. This narrative voice, devoid of overt emotional influence, lends credibility to the fantastical elements, encouraging readers to accept them as part of the story's reality. Critics argue that this technique serves to blur the lines between reality and illusion, prompting reflections on the nature of truth and perception (Bowers, 2004). By crafting a world where the miraculous is interwoven with the mundane, Márquez invites readers to explore the possibilities that lie beyond conventional understanding.

Societal Reflection and Human Behavior

The villagers' reactions to the old man serve as a microcosm of societal behavior towards the unfamiliar, reflecting broader themes of acceptance, fear, and exploitation. Initially, the villagers' curiosity and reverence towards the old man suggest a willingness to embrace the unknown. However, as the novelty fades, their attitudes shift towards skepticism and opportunism. This transformation mirrors real-world societal tendencies to exploit that which is not understood, often driven by fear or the desire for control.

Moreover, the story highlights the role of authority and belief systems in shaping societal responses. The local priest, Father Gonzaga, represents institutionalized religion and its struggle to categorize the miraculous within established dogma. His inability to definitively classify the old man as an angel underscores the limitations of rigid belief systems in accommodating the inexplicable. This theme resonates with contemporary debates on the intersection of science, religion, and the supernatural, where traditional frameworks often fall short in explaining phenomena beyond their scope. By portraying the villagers' evolving perceptions, Márquez critiques the societal propensity to conform to established norms, even when faced with evidence that challenges those conventions.


In "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings," Gabriel García Márquez masterfully employs magical realism to explore profound themes of human nature, belief, and societal behavior. Through rich symbolism, the interplay of realism and fantasy, and a poignant reflection on societal tendencies, the narrative transcends its simple premise to offer a commentary on the complexities of interpreting the unknown. The story's enduring relevance lies in its ability to mirror the human experience, challenging readers to reconsider their perceptions of the miraculous and the mundane. As the villagers' reactions to the winged old man illustrate, the true essence of the divine often eludes comprehension, inviting continuous exploration and reflection. Ultimately, Márquez's tale serves as a timeless reminder of the delicate balance between faith, curiosity, and the inexorable march of progress, urging us to look beyond appearances and seek deeper understanding in the face of the extraordinary.

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The Mystique of "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings". (2024, Dec 27). Retrieved from