The Lesson of Public Speaking Abilities

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Updated: Aug 18, 2023
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In this analysis of the introductory speech video, I studied the verbal and nonverbal movements used while making the video. The conclusions of the analysis show that the use of videotaping to implement feedback results in better content of student speeches, a more significant improvement of public speaking abilities, more reliable performance on actual tests, and a more confident attitude towards public speaking. The speech that was practiced reflected confidence, a loud voice, passion, and personality.

Voice description requires generating a loud vibration that is supported by the entire body, using oxygen and vitality.

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To convey a message with enthusiasm, it is necessary to set a clear intention. Projecting a voice in speech is about enabling its light character and producing a spirit that has something unique to say. Accurate information enhances one’s influence as a presenter and encourages others to understand a particular point of view. This effect is amplified by sustained, significant eye contact with the audience.

Assertive eye contact helps establish rapport with the audience and keeps them interested in the performance. It also gives me insight into their involvement and conveys a message on a deeper level. A careful look into the eyes of a public member can express how much they care about concepts. It builds a relationship between the speaker and listener, a connection that is beneficial to both parties. Whether online or in-person, people will be more willing to engage in the speech when they see that the speaker is addressing the crowd. They will notice when people are drifting off, grimacing, or even smiling. As a result, the audience is transformed from passive listeners to active participants.

If the person does not concentrate on various audience members, or is constantly staring at the ground, the audience fails to connect with the presentation, and may start thinking about something completely different – essentially losing that member, since they are no longer actively listening to what is being said. The literature is personal; it tells the attendees first-hand why people are invested in, and passionate about the topic.

By asking the audience, “What challenges have you faced concerning the topic? How did you overcome them? What lessons were learned?” I introduce the outline of my speech. I begin with a compelling method to increase awareness by starting with a startling or fantastic fact. The outline is presented with a statement designed to arouse curiosity, making the audience look up and listen attentively. At the beginning and end of my speech outline, I used quotes from various individuals. Chances are, the listeners have never heard them before, so they have a novelty appeal.

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The Lesson Of Public Speaking Abilities. (2022, Aug 19). Retrieved from