The Landmark Decision of Tennessee Vs. Garner: a Closer Look at Police Use of Deadly Force

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Updated: Mar 25, 2024
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The Landmark Decision of Tennessee Vs. Garner: a Closer Look at Police Use of Deadly Force

This essay about the landmark Supreme Court case Tennessee vs. Garner analyzes its significant impact on police use of deadly force in the United States. It details the case’s background, stemming from a tragic 1974 incident where a police officer fatally shot 15-year-old Edward Garner, leading to a legal challenge against the constitutionality of using deadly force against unarmed fleeing suspects. The Supreme Court’s decision, favoring limitations on such force unless there’s a substantial threat to others, reshaped law enforcement protocols and emphasized the need for balance between public safety and individual rights. The ruling not only altered policing practices but also fueled discussions on police accountability and criminal justice reform, making it a pivotal moment in the ongoing evaluation of law enforcement’s role in society.

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In the chronicles of American jurisprudence, certain litigations loom large for their profound ramifications on law enforcement practices and civil liberties. Tennessee vs. Garner, a pivotal case adjudicated by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1985, stands as a beacon in this regard, fundamentally reshaping the terrain of police employment of lethal force in the United States. This adjudication not only revamped law enforcement methodologies but also instigated a broader discourse on the equilibrium between public security and individual entitlements.

The genesis of the case lies in a tragic episode unfolding in Memphis, Tennessee, circa 1974.

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Edward Garner, a 15-year-old African American adolescent, met his demise at the hands of a police officer while fleeing from the scene of a burglary. The officer, under the impression that Garner was devoid of arms, resorted to lethal force pursuant to a Tennessee statute sanctioning law enforcement to employ all means necessary to apprehend a fleeing suspect. Garner’s father, striving for rectitude and a reassessment of this policy, instituted legal proceedings, contending that the utilization of lethal force in such circumstances contravened the Fourth Amendment’s safeguards against unwarranted searches and seizures.

The Supreme Court’s verdict in Tennessee vs. Garner proved revolutionary. In a 6-3 ruling, the Court decreed that the Fourth Amendment indeed proscribes law enforcement personnel from resorting to lethal force to impede the escape of an unarmed fleeing suspect unless there exists probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a substantial threat of death or grievous bodily harm to the officer or others. This adjudication effectively rendered ineffectual the extant statutes in Tennessee and numerous other states that authorized the utilization of lethal force against fleeing suspects irrespective of the perceived peril they posed.

At its nucleus, the Tennessee vs. Garner adjudication underscored the imperative of a meticulous equilibrium between the government’s stake in apprehending criminal suspects and the individual’s entitlement to life and liberty. The judgment underscored that the sanctity of life eclipses the state’s interest in apprehending suspects for non-violent infractions, thereby establishing a precedent that lethal force is not a panacea but a dernier ressort in law enforcement.

The repercussions of Tennessee vs. Garner extend far beyond its immediate repercussions on law enforcement protocols. It has been instrumental in sculpting the dialogue on police answerability and the utilization of force, serving as a pivotal touchstone in myriad debates and legal contests that ensued. In the years since the verdict, law enforcement agencies nationwide have revamped their policies to conform to the precepts delineated by the Court, accentuating de-escalation methodologies and the utilization of non-lethal force whenever feasible.

Furthermore, Tennessee vs. Garner has emerged as a pivotal juncture in the perpetual discourse on criminal justice reform and the interplay between law enforcement and the communities they serve. The litigation has galvanized movements advocating for augmented transparency, answerability, and a reevaluation of policies that may disproportionally impact marginalized communities. It serves as a poignant reminder of the legal framework’s role in safeguarding civil liberties whilst ensuring public safety.

In conclusion, Tennessee vs. Garner transcends its designation as a legal verdict; it embodies a seminal instant that mirrors our society’s evolving perspectives on justice, authority, and human rights. By delineating unequivocal limitations on the utilization of lethal force, the Supreme Court not only safeguarded individual freedoms but also precipitated a paradigm shift towards more compassionate and equitable law enforcement practices. As we grapple with these issues in the present epoch, the principles articulated in Tennessee vs. Garner endure as pertinent as ever, guiding our quest for a balanced and just approach to law enforcement and the preservation of civil liberties.

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The Landmark Decision of Tennessee vs. Garner: A Closer Look at Police Use of Deadly Force. (2024, Mar 25). Retrieved from