Identity Formation in on the Sidewalk Bleeding

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Identity Formation in on the Sidewalk Bleeding

This essay will analyze the use of irony in the short story “On The Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter. It will discuss how irony is used to enhance the narrative and highlight the themes of identity and societal indifference. The piece will explore the tragic circumstances of the main character and the ironic elements surrounding his situation. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Fiction.

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The short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding," by Evan Hunter, explores the poignant and multifaceted theme of identity and perception through the tragic experience of a young man named Andy. A member of a street gang known as the Royals, Andy is left bleeding in an alley after being stabbed by a rival gang member. As the narrative unfolds, Andy grapples with the realization that his life is slipping away, not because of who he is as an individual, but because of the emblematic coat he wears—a coat that represents his gang affiliation.

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This essay delves into the central theme of identity versus perception, examining how Andy's struggle to assert his individuality in the face of societal labels ultimately defines his tragic fate. Through an analysis of the story's literary elements, including point of view, irony, and imagery, we gain insight into the profound message that true identity transcends superficial labels and affiliations.

Identity and Perception

The theme of identity versus perception is central to Andy's story. As Andy lies wounded and dying, he reflects on whether the sole reason for the attack was the Royals jacket he wore. This contemplation highlights the societal tendency to judge individuals based on external affiliations rather than recognizing their unique identity. Andy's internal conflict underscores the struggle to break free from the constraints of gang identity, emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself. Despite all that he endured as a result of being a Royal, Andy remains steadfast in his desire to be recognized as Andy, not merely another victim of gang violence. This struggle is poignantly illustrated in his final act of removing the coat—a symbolic gesture of reclaiming his identity.

Literary Elements: Point of View and Irony

The story's point of view shifts from first-person to third-person limited perspective, reflecting Andy's transition from life to death. Initially, Andy narrates his own story, unaware of the gravity of his situation. His narrative is intimate, drawing the reader into his personal conflict and desire to be acknowledged for who he truly is. After Andy's death, the perspective shifts to third-person limited, where the focus is no longer on Andy's introspection but on how the world perceives him. This shift underscores the tragic irony of Andy's situation: despite his efforts to assert his individuality, he is still reduced to a label—a "Royal"—in death.

Situational irony further amplifies the story's message. Even after Andy discards his gang jacket in an attempt to die as himself rather than as a Royal, the police officer who finds his body identifies him simply as a Royal. This irony highlights society's pervasive tendency to overlook individual identity in favor of simplistic labels. Both the rival gang member who attacked Andy and the officer who records his death share this narrow perception, reducing Andy to a mere symbol rather than recognizing him as a person.

Imagery and Symbolism

Imagery and symbolism play a crucial role in conveying the story's themes. The name "Andy" itself symbolizes courage and individuality. Throughout the story, Andy embodies bravery, standing up for his beliefs even in his final moments. He understands that the attack was targeted at the Royals, not at him personally, and his last act of discarding the jacket is a powerful assertion of his true self. The coat, adorned with "THE ROYALS," represents the societal labels that overshadow individual identity. By removing it, Andy symbolically rejects the label imposed upon him, striving to be remembered as Andy, not just a gang member.


In conclusion, "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter presents a compelling exploration of identity and perception. Through Andy's tragic story, the narrative underscores the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of societal labels and affiliations. The story's literary elements, including point of view, irony, and imagery, work in harmony to convey the central theme that true identity transcends superficial labels. Andy's struggle to assert his individuality serves as a poignant reminder that we are more than the labels society assigns us. Ultimately, his story challenges readers to look beyond external affiliations and recognize the unique identity of every individual.

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Identity Formation in On the Sidewalk Bleeding. (2021, Jul 13). Retrieved from