The Heroic Feat of Desmond Doss: how Many Lives he Saved

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Updated: Jul 21, 2024
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The Heroic Feat of Desmond Doss: how Many Lives he Saved

This essay is about Desmond Doss and his heroic actions during the Battle of Okinawa in World War II. Doss, a conscientious objector and combat medic, saved approximately 75 wounded soldiers on Hacksaw Ridge, despite facing constant enemy fire. His bravery and selflessness extended beyond this single event, as he continued to provide medical care throughout the battle, even after being wounded multiple times. The essay highlights Doss’s profound impact, his Medal of Honor recognition, and his lasting legacy of courage and commitment to his principles. His story exemplifies the extraordinary difference one individual’s actions can make in the lives of many.

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Desmond Doss is a name that’s etched into history for his incredible bravery and solid commitment to saving lives during one of World War II’s toughest battles. He was a conscientious objector, meaning he didn’t want to fight due to his religious beliefs, but he still joined the United States Army as a combat medic. He made history as the first conscientious objector to get the Medal of Honor. His heroics during the Battle of Okinawa, especially on Hacksaw Ridge, have become legendary, leaving folks asking just how many men Desmond Doss managed to save.

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Doss’s acts of heroism are most remembered for what went down on Hacksaw Ridge, a steep cliff on Okinawa. In April 1945, American forces were up against some intense resistance from Japanese troops dug in on that ridge. It was a rough, brutal fight, with both sides taking heavy hits. But through all the chaos and danger, Doss never lost his determination to save his fellow soldiers.

On May 5, 1945, when Doss’s unit got the order to pull back because of a major Japanese counterattack, he didn’t leave. Instead, he stayed behind to help out the wounded, showing a kind of bravery and selflessness that’s hard to even imagine. For about 12 hours straight, he was out there, one by one lowering around 75 injured soldiers down the cliff using a sling he rigged up. Not only was this physically draining, but it was also super dangerous with bullets flying at him the whole time.

The exact number of guys Doss saved has been a big topic because battle is a wild scene, and different people who saw what happened have different stories. Doss himself figured it was about 50, while his commanding officer thought it was more like 100. The official word, as written up in his Medal of Honor award, is 75. That number tries to capture just how huge his heroics were while also keeping in mind how hard it is to count for sure in the chaos of war.

But Doss didn’t stop being amazing after that one day. Through the whole Battle of Okinawa, he kept on giving medical care, even when the bullets were still flying. He got hurt a few times but turned down any offers to be taken away for treatment, insisting on staying to help others. His commitment to duty and his fellow soldiers was unshakable, earning him the deep respect and awe of everyone who fought beside him.

What Desmond Doss did goes beyond just counting lives saved. His story shows how strong belief and one person’s actions can really change things, even when it seems impossible. His bravery flipped what people thought about courage, showing that real bravery is sticking to what you believe and being ready to give up everything for others.

For his incredible service, Desmond Doss got the Medal of Honor from President Harry S. Truman on October 12, 1945. Truman even said giving Doss that medal was a bigger honor than being President, showing how much respect Doss earned for being so brave and selfless. His story has kept on inspiring folks for years, proving what one person’s courage and standing up for what’s right can really mean.

In 2016, the movie “Hacksaw Ridge,” directed by Mel Gibson, brought Desmond Doss’s story to a whole new crowd. The film made the Battle of Okinawa feel real and put Doss’s heroics front and center, making sure everyone knew just how incredible he was. But more than just what you see in a movie, Doss’s true legacy is in all the lives he saved and in the message of bravery and kindness that keeps on going.

To wrap it up, the question of how many men Desmond Doss saved shows off his huge heroism and proves how big a difference one person can make. Even though the official count is 75, what really matters about Doss’s actions goes way beyond numbers. His legacy is all about being incredibly brave, staying true to what you believe, and giving everything for others. He’s a true hero of World War II and an inspiration that won’t ever fade away.

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The Heroic Feat of Desmond Doss: How Many Lives He Saved. (2024, Jul 21). Retrieved from