The Harlem Renaissance Essay

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The Harlem Renaissance was an era of massive growth in art, music, poetry, and dancing during the 1920s. Many started to enjoy this upbeat music and empowering literature. This is what is well known about the Harlem Renaissance. This all originated after The Great Migration. These forms were very influential, even the white Americans started to use them. They used them even though they usually discriminated them. This art form lasted from The Great War to The Great Depression. This period of time has had a boom in popular literature was and performed in many places today.

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There was much dancing and everyone was very happy during this time. There were also many artists that are still famous for their work.

The Harlem Renaissance was a boom in the arts and literature. After the great migration, African Americans shared their culture with the world during the 1920s. This all took place in Harlem, a popular neighborhood in New York City. There were many popular places that were used during the Harlem Renaissance. The Apollo Theater was a place where African Americans expressed their culture through music. The Savoy Ballroom was another important place in Harlem. It was used to dance the most modern dances of the time mixed with their African American way of dancing. Minton’s Playhouse was a very popular theater where jazz was mostly performed. Artists such as Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald sang jazz songs in these theaters.

There were many popular figures during this time. Bessie Smith was a blues singer during the Harlem Renaissance. She wrote songs such as I ain’t got nobody and Nobody knows you when you are down. Claude Mckay was a poet during this time. He wrote If we must die and Harlem Shadows.

Langston Hughes was another famous person during the Harlem Renaissance. He wrote many inspiring books and poems that we still read today. He showed the nation that he is a person too. One cannot define him because of his skin color.

Langston Hughes was born in 1902. He was born in Joplin, Missouri. His parents were James and Caroline Hughes, who got divorced when he was very young. His father moved to Mexico and his mother was always looking for a steady job, so Langston Hughes always lived with his grandmother. After his grandmother died, he and his mother moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1921. He started to write poetry in high school when one of his teachers suggested it. He often published poems in the school newspaper. Between the times of when he graduated high school and when he started college, he wrote his most famous poem, The Negro Speaks of Rivers. He went to Columbia University to become a mining engineer just like his father wanted for him. But, Langston Hughes did not want to become a mining engineer, so he dropped out.

Langston Hughes started his career in high school when he first wrote his first poem, The Negro Speaks of Rivers. He continued to write more poems about discrimination and racial equality. There were many people who were courageous at this time. They had to express their culture in a white world. The Harlem Renaissance allowed them to express themselves freely. Everyone loved this type of poetry and music. This boom in arts and literature allowed more people to allow themselves to get excited over the music. Everyone loves this type of music. They are also starting to realize that the people whom they exclude the most is making this art. In this period whites and blacks are starting to come together, collaborating to make this music and art. More people want to look at their artwork. They are all starting to see the blacks as equals. But, they are not considered people until 1954. Between that time and the Harlem Renaissance, there was segregation happening all over the United States.

The Harlem Renaissance was an era of massive growth in art, music, poetry, and dancing during the 1920s. This all originated after The Great Migration. These forms were very influential, even the white Americans started to use them. They used them even though they usually discriminated them. This art form lasted from The Great War to The Great Depression.

The Harlem Renaissance was a boom in the arts and literature. After the great migration, African Americans shared their culture with the world during the 1920s. This all took place in Harlem, a popular neighborhood in New York City.

Even though African Americans were discriminated, they were not afraid to show their customs. The Harlem Renaissance ended when the Great Depression began. They were not as excited to make music as they were before the Depression. The Harlem Renaissance was such a significant time, we still remember it today. African Americans continued to show their way of life, even though they faced discrimination.

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The Harlem Renaissance Essay. (2021, Mar 20). Retrieved from