The Enduring Significance of Solar Energy

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Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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From the dawn of our planet’s existence, the sun has played a vital role in sustaining both human and plant life. Plants, the foundation of our food chain, harness sunlight to create sustenance. Furthermore, adequate sun exposure has numerous health benefits for humans. Throughout history, mankind has harnessed sunlight as a source of energy for various industrial and household applications.

Nevertheless, with the advent of technology, humanity gradually shifted from reliance on solar energy and embraced fossil fuels and other forms of energy generation (Morris, 10).

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It’s crucial to acknowledge that, as fossil fuel reserves dwindle, there is a growing focus on solar energy as an alternative energy source. But is its adoption truly beneficial, especially in this century?

Solar energy can be utilized in various ways, primarily by converting it into electricity through photovoltaic cells to power residential and industrial electrical equipment. The advantages of solar energy have prompted many to embrace its use. As the current generation awakens to the reality of dwindling global resources, greater emphasis has been placed on adopting renewable energy sources.

Despite these facts, some individuals continue to deplete the Earth’s essential energy reservoirs without considering future generations. Even as the cost of a barrel of oil has surged in recent years, the world’s thirst for oil remains unquenched.

Experts project that if the current trend continues unchecked, global oil demand could increase by as much as sixty-five percent in the next two decades. So, how will we meet this surging demand for energy when renewable resources continue to be exhausted?

Solar energy, as an alternative energy source, has the potential to help meet the rising global energy demand (DeGunther, 7). It’s essential to recognize that long after other resources are depleted, solar energy will endure.

Why, then, have we not fully embraced its use? Some argue that generating energy using fossil fuels is more cost-effective, leading to the underutilization of renewable energy sources like wind and sunlight. However, this may no longer be the case.

If fossil fuel production were truly cost-effective, why does the world’s energy consumption far exceed the supply? Why has the grid struggled to meet the increased demand for household and industrial appliances? Power outages have become a daily occurrence. This is why astute individuals have begun seeking affordable alternatives for power generation, and solar energy has not disappointed.

It’s been argued that solar panels require significant space for installation. Critics contend that to achieve high energy efficiency, solar panels must cover a vast land area. While this is accurate, it should not deter us from adopting solar energy as an alternative source. How much uninhabited land exists in many parts of the world? Such areas could be repurposed for solar panel installations.

Moreover, creative strategies can overcome the space challenge. Some homes and businesses have grid-connected solar panels on utility and light poles, while others have filled unused spaces with solar panels. Rooftop installations are also common.

The intermittent nature of solar energy due to weather conditions has been cited as a drawback. Critics argue that it is limited to daylight hours, making it inadequate for meeting energy needs.

However, these challenges can be addressed through efficient backup systems or net metering practices. While solar energy production is dependent on sunlight, proper panel orientation can optimize performance regardless of weather conditions.

Despite its minor limitations, the adoption of solar energy as an alternative source can reduce the consumption of dwindling fossil fuels, which are depleting over 100,000 times faster than they are being created (Wanamingo, para. 3).

In conclusion, our continued reluctance to fully embrace solar energy as an alternative source puts us in a precarious position. It necessitates the implementation of appropriate energy policies to promote the use of sunlight for energy production.

The world’s growing energy demands cannot be adequately met by depleting non-renewable energy sources. Therefore, the adoption of solar energy, an abundant, ever-present, and inexhaustible source, is the optimal solution to this challenge.

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The Enduring Significance of Solar Energy. (2023, Dec 01). Retrieved from