The Enduring Legacy of “So God Made a Farmer”

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Updated: Mar 12, 2024
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The Enduring Legacy of “So God Made a Farmer”

This essay about Paul Harvey’s “So God Made a Farmer” speech explores its origins, context, and enduring cultural significance. Delivered at a 1978 Future Farmers of America convention, Harvey’s speech paid tribute to the virtues of farmers, emphasizing their hard work, perseverance, and stewardship of the land. The essay discusses how Harvey’s words resonated with Americans during a time of economic challenges, serving as a reminder of the country’s roots and the resilience of its people. Highlighted is the speech’s revival in a 2013 Super Bowl commercial, which introduced Harvey’s message to a new generation and reaffirmed its timeless appeal. The piece concludes by recognizing “So God Made a Farmer” as a testament to the importance of agriculture in American identity and economy, and a celebration of the agrarian spirit.

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In 1978, at a Future Farmers of America (FFA) convention, legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey delivered a speech that would resonate through the decades. Titled “So God Made a Farmer,” Harvey’s eloquent words painted a vivid picture of the hardworking, resilient, and dedicated nature of farmers. This speech, rooted in admiration and respect for the agricultural community, not only celebrated the farmer’s role in society but also highlighted the timeless virtues of hard work, perseverance, and stewardship of the land.

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The origin of Harvey’s speech can be traced back to his deep understanding and appreciation of the agricultural sector, a common thread throughout his broadcasting career. Harvey, known for his distinctive voice and “The Rest of the Story” segments, had a knack for capturing the essence of American life, values, and character. “So God Made a Farmer” was no exception. It was a tribute to the unsung heroes of the American landscape, crafted to acknowledge their indispensable contributions to society.

Harvey’s speech tapped into the cultural zeitgeist of the time, a period when America was grappling with economic challenges and a shifting societal landscape. By invoking the image of the farmer, Harvey connected listeners to an ideal of American perseverance and resilience. The speech served as a reminder of the country’s roots and the enduring spirit of its people, resonating with audiences far beyond the agricultural community.

The cultural significance of “So God Made a Farmer” has only grown over the years, particularly highlighted by its revival in a 2013 Super Bowl commercial. The commercial, featuring Harvey’s original audio laid over powerful imagery of farmers across America, brought the speech to a new generation, amplifying its message of respect and appreciation for the farming community. This resurgence underscored the speech’s timeless appeal and its ability to evoke a sense of pride, nostalgia, and admiration for the agrarian way of life.

Today, “So God Made a Farmer” stands as a testament to the enduring values of hard work, dedication, and the importance of agriculture to the nation’s identity and economy. It speaks to the heart of the American experience, celebrating the resilience of those who work tirelessly to feed and sustain the country. Harvey’s speech remains a poignant reminder of the essential role farmers play in society, and its legacy continues to inspire a deep appreciation for the agricultural community and the values it represents.

In conclusion, Paul Harvey’s “So God Made a Farmer” speech is more than just a tribute to farmers; it is a cultural artifact that captures the essence of American values and the indomitable spirit of its people. Its origin at the 1978 FFA convention marked the beginning of a legacy that would echo through the decades, serving as a source of inspiration, reflection, and gratitude. Harvey’s words, steeped in respect and admiration, continue to resonate, offering a powerful homage to the men and women who till the land, care for their crops, and feed nations.

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The Enduring Legacy of "So God Made a Farmer". (2024, Mar 12). Retrieved from