The Age and Legacy of Taraji P. Henson: a Remarkable Journey

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Updated: Jul 16, 2024
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The Age and Legacy of Taraji P. Henson: a Remarkable Journey

This essay is about Taraji P. Henson, focusing on her age, career, and impact. Born on September 11, 1970, Henson is currently 53 years old. The essay details her rise to fame, highlighting her breakout role in “Baby Boy” and her iconic portrayal of Cookie Lyon in “Empire.” It also touches on her performances in “Hustle & Flow” and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” Beyond her acting, Henson’s advocacy for mental health, particularly within the African American community, and her philanthropic efforts through the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation are discussed. The essay underscores her influence in Hollywood and her role as an inspiration for aspiring actors.

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Taraji P. Henson, a true Hollywood powerhouse known for her talent and resilience, has made her mark in the entertainment world. Born on September 11, 1970, she’s now 53 years young. But age is just a number for this dynamo who brings boundless energy to both her on-screen performances and her off-screen passions.

Growing up in Washington, D.C., Henson faced tough times but never gave up on her dream of acting. She studied drama at Howard University, graduating in 1995. Her early years in Hollywood were full of challenges, but her breakthrough came with a standout role in “Baby Boy” (2001).

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Critics praised her ability to bring real depth to her characters, opening doors to even bigger opportunities.

Henson’s career showcases her incredible versatility, from her unforgettable role as Cookie Lyon in the TV series “Empire” (2015-2020) to a diverse range of characters in films. Cookie’s tough, complex persona made her a fan favorite and earned Henson a Golden Globe Award in 2016. It’s roles like these that solidify her reputation as a talented and compelling actress.

Beyond her TV success, Henson’s film roles highlight her wide-ranging talent. In “Hustle & Flow” (2005), she played Shug, a supportive partner to a struggling musician, delivering a heartfelt performance. Her role in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (2008) as Queenie, a nurturing caregiver, earned her an Academy Award nomination, showcasing her skill and dedication.

Outside of acting, Henson is a vocal advocate for mental health, especially in the African American community. She founded the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation in 2018, named after her father, to fight the stigma around mental illness and support those in need. Her work has sparked vital conversations and raised awareness on this important issue.

In addition to acting and advocacy, Henson has stepped into producing and directing, showing her commitment to shaping diverse stories. Her directorial debut on “Empire” reflects her desire to contribute in new creative ways, expanding her influence in Hollywood.

As Henson continues to thrive in her career, her age reminds us of her enduring impact. She inspires aspiring actors, particularly women of color, proving that dedication and staying true to oneself lead to success. Henson’s legacy isn’t just about her impressive body of work—it’s about uplifting others and making a difference.

In summary, at 53, Taraji P. Henson embodies perseverance and authenticity in Hollywood. Her outstanding career, combined with her advocacy, shows her multifaceted contributions. She’s a role model whose journey inspires audiences worldwide, on screen and off, leaving a lasting impression on the industry and beyond.

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The Age and Legacy of Taraji P. Henson: A Remarkable Journey. (2024, Jul 16). Retrieved from