The 35th President John F. Kennedy

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Updated: Mar 14, 2023
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I decided to pick the 35th president John F. Kennedy because i saw him on video games. My President’s name is John Fitzgerald Kennedy. A legacy he is known for is the Nuclear Ban-Test Treaty.another legacy he had was the alliance for process. He was born on May 29, 1917 and he was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. He has 8 siblings and he was the second oldest. He has three brothers and five sisters. His mom is named Rose and his dad is named Joseph.

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His family was really rich and wealthy. John F. Kennedy went to Edward Devotion for elementary school, but later he had been transferred to another school named Noble and Greenough School because his mom gave birth to more kids.

For high school, he went to Choate School in Connecticut and he finished all four years in that high school. For college, John went to Harvard University, and he got interested in european politics and world affairs, because of his dad. He got his bachelor’s degree for arts in government. Before his presidency he was serving the US. House of representatives and also serving the US. senate. During presidency John F. Kennedy discussed about the nuclear test-ban treaty and caused the alliance for process. Jfk was in the democratic party. Jfk’s first lady was named Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Kennedy’s Presidential term was from January 20, 1961 through November 22, 1963.

An accomplishment Kennedy had was the nuclear ban-test treaty with the Soviet Union and Great Britain. He also helped calm the cold war tension. Kennedy got assassinated on November 13, 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald. Some fun facts about Kennedy is that he was the second youngest president that was ever elected. Another fun fact is that he faked his way into the navy. He couldn’t pass the physical tests because he had a lot of medical conditions and he only got in the navy was, because of his dad. He was also the only president to get a purple heart. He is the second wealthiest president.

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The 35th president John F. Kennedy. (2020, Feb 13). Retrieved from