Summarize the Reason for your Prevous Educational Struggles

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My ambitions in life were so high and substantially motivated by the desire to serve other humanities with care and concern. The desire to become a practitioner in the medical field was the driving force throughout my high school education and inspired me to work towards the goal. My life has not gone through a smooth path, and this has taught me the need to give concern to others and not to turn my ears away from them whenever they called for help.

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My peers would subject me to a test, expecting me to attend (first aid) to my colleagues who got injured and required emergency handling

. I realized that my fulfillment was not through directing and managing staffs but rather through serving them and relieving their agony, this could only be achieved if I chose the career path of a nurse in life.My life has been that of instability and unpredictable life due to the hardship that I have endured in high school, the lack of financial support and emotional torture by my peers. No one could have presumed that I will manage to attain such a grade, but through struggles and challenges, I emerged as a winner. Various involvement in the first aid kit manager and active member of the Red Cross society in our school made me be engaged with medical duties at a lower level.

After attaining this promising grade in high school and having a more excellent opportunity to further my studies which can be fulfilled in Grand Canyon University, I choose a path that will not haunt me later, and that is in line with my dreams of becoming a nurse and healthcare practitioner.Having undergone through illnesses and bodily sufferings and seen how nurses and doctors devote themselves to their work, I become obsessed with the career path since its the one to satisfy my desires. With the knowledge that the profession will be much demand for my inputs and physical challenge as well, that doesnt hinder me from pursuing my career path in Grand Canyon University. If financial gains motivate me, I could not have followed this way but the service to humanity.I, therefore, apply for admission in this course and have an insight of how risky it is to its involvement but still determined that I can make through the challenges and become an excellent nurse practitioner.

My interest has made me have the desire to engage in discussion with the nursing practitioners who shares their experience making my wish to burn. Nurses offer parental care to their patients, and this gives them the chance to act as role models to their patients and the exact thing that would like to be doing in future.I would like to develop my skills while maximizing on the strengths I have during my course and finding new opportunities through encountering challenges and end up becoming the best professional in the field of medication. My eagerness to operate from highly ranked hospitals in the country will make me put more efforts in my studies.

After studies at Grand Canyon University, I would like to be involved in a high job that will pose some challenge and enable me to gain much experience that can later be applied in our rural setting to improve the conditions of the people. The service to rural people is purposeful because the people have no access to quality medication and the opportunities are few. Their knowledge about healthy nutrition is also limited therefore, they require someone to be advising them on matters pertaining diet which leads to health benefits.

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Summarize the Reason for Your Prevous Educational Struggles. (2020, Mar 20). Retrieved from