Sources of Moral Values: Family, Education, and Peer Dynamics

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Parental Influence and the Decline of Youth Morals: The Need for Intentional Guidance

Family ties are irregular, separation of parents, fights often occur in the family, socio-economic conditions are cramped, the house is not harmonious, and the ability of the guards to watch the education of children can also lead to the collapse of morals and values. Parents and family conflict also affect emotions and stress to teens who do not get the right to such love and attention. At the same time, they are concerned this conflict led to the divorce of their parents.

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Parents will vent conflict on children. As a result, they lose property due respect to their parents. There are some parents who are so busy with career earnings that their children are neglected and do not get enough love. The attitude of these parents causes children to not receive appropriate attention, and they do things that are not beneficial to eliminate boredom. So they tend to seek out fun and culture stuck with loungers, a fix, and visit entertainment centers. In some cases, there are children who mistake behaving this way in order to get the attention of their parents, who are always busy.

Discussion on youth moral decadence is about the issue of teenage students. Thus, coping strategies should be focused on young people today. The role of parents is crucial in giving serious attention to their children. Parents should always keep an eye on every movement or the movement of their children. Parents should always know and identify the problems faced by their children and be willing to take the time to resolve the issue. Parents should know their child’s friends who have good morals is based. In addition, parents should also spend part of the day with their children with confidence and courage, creating a positive attitude towards the problem, emotions, and decisions. Besides increasing the appreciation of children against religion, infusing values, motivation, training his polite way, the principles of accountability, keeping promises, competent, and showing a noble personality. Trust, willing to accept weaknesses, and explore the potential of children. Parents should be role models to children.

Integrating Sources of Moral Standards: The Role of Parenting, Education, and National Principles in Malaysia

Parenting education is to achieve a more effective way so that the ability of the education of children in the family institution can be improved. Parenting practices of Islam should be practiced through direct guidance of the mosque. Delinquents in localities can be targeted to build the first real model to be developed in the community. This can be done by adding activities based on academic and semi-academic extra-curricular activities at school. Similarly, changes in teaching techniques, such as the use of computers, video, audio-visual aids, and teaching techniques in the classroom and beyond. It should be facilitated in order to form a pious community to strengthen moral education among adolescents. A national education curriculum should be added to the process of ‘Islam,’ which is more of an academic excellence process alone. The group of curriculum drafters of national education shall increase the composition of those skilled in the art of Islam and not just be dominated by those who were educated in the secular field.

Legal provision at the school level could Malaysia is a country with a diversity of people who live together in a cluster and cling to the practice of National Principles. It is practiced by all races without any gaps. Not only that, it’s also practiced by all, including teenagers. National Principles have five principles, which are belief in God, loyalty to the king and country, the supremacy of the constitution, the rule of law, and courtesy and morality.

However, teenagers nowadays apply these values in their lives, and they have become a topic of intense discussion. This is because youth is the diamond of the civilization of a nation. Plus, they are also considered to be a knowledgeable group of high and often observed movements by the surrounding communities. The problem of moral decline and moral values have become the main agenda discussed and shown in the media lately.

Influences on Youth Morality: Peer Groups, Socialization, and The Role of Observational Learning

Generally, the public believes that morals are the catalyst to a quality of life of healthy and perfect. Consequently, many thought that this aspect deserves to be a major milestone for the advancement of the individual itself. It is very relevant and appropriate to handle the 5 National Principles. To produce high morals among adolescents, it is appropriate that the application values are applied starting from the education of parents and also from preschool again and should not be blamed only on one individual because it involves many parties must mobilize to ensure that these values are applied properly and to self-esteem for adolescents in general.

Demoralization is also seen as the main cause of the occurrence of these problems at a young age, and if left unchecked, it will become an epidemic that is difficult to control. Not only that, it was the key to the occurrence of criminal cases that are more severe. Growing juvenile cases also concern the researchers and all responsible parties. There are several factors that affect the deterioration of noble values among the youth. Peers are the factors that affect the process of socialization. The effect of the deteriorating family when the children grew up. When they become more mature, peer groups become a more effective influence in the formation of their character. The need to be accepted by the peer group is very important; an adolescent will fulfill the norms and values highlighted by a particular group. This can lead to either positive or negative. How to dress, hairstyle, and properties can be influenced by one’s favorite and imaginary group. According to Albert Bandura (1997), through the Social Learning Theory, the behavior of most people learn by observation by example. By observing the behavior of others, they learn how it’s done and then take it as a guide to the behavior itself. Treatment of other adults and peers causes other symbols emulated by others, especially children. The influence of peer groups was becoming more important in adolescence.

Teen group is a source of values and will play a key role in determining the position value received and practiced by individuals, particularly regarding the patterns of behavior they consider to be observed. Although the influence of peer groups is affected in adolescence, it also plays an important role in a variety of ages. It is also important at the level of ‘gang,’ which is when children aged between seven years. Piaget says that not only does learning occur between peers, but it is also a prerequisite for the development of autonomy. On the other hand, stated that Kohlberg’s moral development among children who are isolated or separated is no different from many children who received exposure.

Environmental and Familial Influences: The Erosion of Noble Values in Youth

The influence of the environment is also among the factors that cause the deterioration of noble values. Movies are imported, especially from the West, which contains elements that are not immoral, and sex can influence thinking and inspire teens to imitate what is displayed via a television show or movie. It is a bit of a cause of teen involvement in cases of misconduct in school or outside. The influence of modern lifestyle, especially in big cities, is a form of negative influence that comes into the lives of teenagers. Therefore, there is a discrepancy between school culture, which is both pure culture outside the school that has a big influence, as well as challenging behavior and treatment of adolescents. This conflict can cause delinquency.

Home is the best place to start your education. Parents, as head of the family, have to show a good example for children. Parents need to practice the values and courtesy that are the legacy of previous generations. The flurry of work is not a reason to cultivate the personality traits that are great either for yourself or for your kids perfectly. Majalah Dewan Masyarakat, in October of 2006, discussed the issue among teens around Kuala Lumpur. Most teenagers are the reason why parents are tired of busy work so that there is no time to be with children among the factors they have such symptoms. Additionally, there is no doubt the lack of religious education and traditional oriental culture in their home that they choose foreign culture as a way of life. This teen was initially only for fun and joined in an end to the culture of scraping, and worse when it comes to the matter of belief. Without a robust economy in a family, life will be impoverished, and incidents such as theft, robbery, illegal entering the group (triad), cheating, and so on. The teens who get caught up in this problem are not afraid of any existing law. For them, life is for enjoying all forms of pleasure and fun. The pressures of life, the pursuit of luxury attitudes, and the involvement in other social activities cause parents and children to lack the time or the opportunity to talk, discuss, and communicate with each other. In fact, there is a rare face-to-face. This condition causes teens to bring their own way of life without the guidance and supervision of their parents. They, as a parent, are not too obsessed with the world of work, so they ignore their responsibilities as parents to educate their children. Among other factors that may be associated with youth moral decadence is the involvement in the crime. Teenagers involved in crime not only come from poor families but also families, and a handful of them come from families who have a good background.

Religion as a Pillar: The Essential Role of Spiritual Upbringing in Countering Moral Decline

It may be said that the causes of the moral collapse are a major addition to the deterioration in terms of upbringing, education, supervision and control by parents or guardians, stress, attitudes, pursuit of luxury, as well as participation in other social activities that cause parents and children spend less with time or opportunity to talk, talk, communicating with each other. Families too fancy way of life also caused the collapse of disciplined teenagers. For example, parents who are too indulgent in children often give too much pocket money. This act caused them to be easily influenced by other teens who pleasure. The effect of free association and being influenced by peers who are depraved will exacerbate the situation. Also, the attitude of parents who do not care about social behavior and encourage teenagers to damage their attitude. Teenagers who are prematurely exposed to natural communities that have a complex attitude without adequate guidance from parents is also a moral factor. The economic downturn is also one of the reasons for moral decadence that can be the cause of family relationships in the natural household, separation of parents, fights that often occur in the family, socio-economic conditions are cramped, and the atmosphere of the household who are not in harmony and peaceful and not ability the guards supervise their children’s education can also lead to the collapse of the moral arena. In conclusion, parents should monitor the situation so that their children are not easily trapped in activities that are not beneficial. In addition, the various parties also need to work together to figure out a solution to avoid the problems encountered from continuing. Surely, children are a valuable asset of property and money. They will lead the country someday soon. Religion is the backbone of human life.

All religions teach goodness, decency, and values that must be practiced regardless of whether followers of Islam, Christianity, Buddha, or Hindu. Lack of religious education is one of the causes of the deterioration of noble values as a lack of understanding by the teens themselves about the values themselves. Parents are responsible enough to provide religious education to children. Teaching religious knowledge and values in line with the norm in today’s society is crucial in ensuring strong inner spiritual children. Remember, ‘Everything starts at home.’ Such is the philosophy known to figure Franklin D. Roosevelt. So parents who act as agents of the main character of children. Religious upbringing is enough to produce children who can distinguish between good and bad and have a strong identity to resist negative thoughts and culture. In addition, the pressures of life, the pursuit of affluence, and attitudes to pursue other social activities can cause the deterioration of moral values when it is not based on religion. When low self-esteem in adolescents and coupled factors rarely perfect face, the teenager takes his own path in life without parental supervision.

The Temptations of Adolescence: The Role of Religious Values and Media Influence

Adolescence is a very exciting time for each individual. In adolescence, a person definitely wants to try different things in their lives. Life in adolescence seems to give complete freedom to do many things. Therefore, it is possible someone could have adolescent social ills. If we examine in detail, there are many causes of why young people have lost value when things are not allowed religion to be tried or just know the half of it from religion. For example, for a Muslim, adultery is illegal. They knew it was illegal, but they do not abstain or can not resist the temptation when they are drunk. They felt that drinking alcohol was a sin of adultery and was not as heavy. So they just think they do not drink alcohol and commit adultery. They justify their own actions by drinking it. Alcohol could actually lead to adultery because he is not aware of his own actions when drunk.

Apart from the religious education of parents, adolescents themselves are the cause of the decline of moral values. Most teens who are involved in social problems have no religious upbringing and moral depth, even if the parents have to take appropriate action to send their children to programs for stabilizing the element of spirituality spiritually, mentally, and physically. They are not afraid of sin or God’s vengeance on their deeds. Teens were also usually not denied worship and other religious orders. They argue that the life of adolescence needs to be filled with entertainment and sheer fun. The lack of religious values causes them to be happy teenagers influenced by the mass media. Teens tend to do things you’ve heard or seen in the media as a teenager instinctively want to try. Actually, wanting to try this attitude was a nice gesture, but not all things can be tried arbitrarily. Teens do not want to evaluate the pros and cons of a thing obtained through the mass media. Families may be associated with their mother, father, and children around them. But if applicable, glassware is a family that would be lame and imperfect.

Family’s Role in Moral Development: The Impact of Parenting and Community Collaboration

The family is the closest to teenagers, starting with the relationship of mother, father, brother, sister or brother. Families should be aware of the moral development of children and adolescents to play an important role in the socialization process of the individual. Parents should set a good example and apply values as children are compelled to emulate the behavior of their parents. Malay saying goes, how the mold – that’s gravy. Parents must first cultivate noble values such as politeness, respect for elders, or caring for children and are encouraged to emulate these traits.

Broken families will indirectly give freedom to teenagers. Because of busy work, the task was left entirely to the care of a maid. Minded parents can distract children from families that are not perfect perfection. Families who can afford luxury property also provide excessive and will lead the way of life of children suffering from the decline of moral values due to the collapse of their own discipline. Parents who overindulge children often give too much pocket money with no reason to spend time with them, which will give them more freedom, and this exacerbates the situation.

Cause fear among school students, in addition to reducing the burden and responsibility of the school and the parents in the control discipline. Increasing re-initialization of the initial stage of discipline by all parties in the school, as was once highlighted in the formation of the discipline system students. Controls must be carried out in the beginning; all parties have to the field and to cope with the real sense of discipline problems teenagers nowadays. Coordination between NGOs to effectively address the problems of adolescents has to be developed so that more bodies come forward with bold to correct the situation. NGOs have been implementing the program with the Department of Religious Affairs to build the community.

Addressing Youth Morality: The Role of Programs, Law Enforcement, and Sociocultural Factors

Programs dedicated to youth should be increased to make up the personality of adolescents. Through these programs, the values can be inserted into adolescents and practice them. The national service program is an effort to address the problem of teenage involvement in youth itself. Another example is the Rakan Muda program, 1M4U, and so on. Law enforcement authorities, such as the police, whose jurisdiction is the existing policy, need to be used by school administrators in disciplining students who have problems, where students will refer the case to the police as the final solution. Preventive measures that are appropriate to be held as counseling in schools. Counseling at the school level is crucial in helping adolescents cope with their problems. The program will be more meaningful if the counselors are qualified and experienced and elected to strengthen the implementation and effectiveness of the counseling.

Overall, good values among young people are deteriorating at this time, which is closely related to sociology and anthropology. Sociology or social science has been learned to help us understand the issues related to family and community, thereby enabling the discussion and proposed solutions to the issue of the deterioration of noble values among the youth. It can be concluded that this issue is influenced by two aspects, namely, family and cultural aspects. Cultural practices in the family members will affect the personality and culture, regardless of whether the culture is positive or negative, and will be learned and passed on from one generation to the next. However, aspects of society also contributed to the issue of impairment as a result of cultural influences from outside the institution of the family. In addressing this issue, every social stratum should play its role in the noble values that we have today, which can be lowered to the next generation.


  1. Kohlberg, L. (1981). The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of Justice. Harper & Row.
  2. Piaget, J. (1965). The Moral Judgment of the Child. Free Press.
  3. Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. General Learning Press.
  4. Haidt, J. (2012). The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. Pantheon.
  5. Turiel, E. (1983). The development of social knowledge: Morality and convention. Cambridge University Press.
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Sources of Moral Values: Family, Education, and Peer Dynamics. (2023, Sep 06). Retrieved from