Social Media is Making Us Less Social Argumentative Essay

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Updated: Sep 06, 2023
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In the age where “sliding into DMs” has become a legit form of first contact and our daily moods swing to the rhythm of likes and retweets, we’ve got to stop and wonder: is social media truly bringing us closer? Or, in an ironic twist, is it distancing us from genuine human connections?

The Great “Social” Irony

Social media. Let’s break that down. “Social” — as in human connection, camaraderie, shared laughs. “Media” — the platform that delivers this connection to our eager fingertips.

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It sounds like the perfect blend of people meeting tech together, right? But here’s a brain-twister: what if this combo drives us apart?

Let’s set the scene: everyone’s engrossed in their phones at dinner, capturing, posting, liking, but not being present. Those cool snaps from your best friend’s tropical vacation? You double-tap without even registering the backdrop. The joy of a friend’s promotion? Reduced to a swift comment: “Congrats!.” The depth, essence, and very soul of communication seem lost.

In trying to be everywhere, we’re ending up nowhere. In craving to be part of every moment, we might miss out on the ones right before us. So yeah, it’s “social” media. But it might be time to ask: how genuinely social we are in this digital realm?

Human to Screen Time

Alright, picture this: You walk into a café. The soft hum of conversations, the clinking of coffee cups, the familiar buzz of life… Sounds idyllic, right? But wait, let’s zoom in. Ah, there’s the catch. Every head bowed, eyes locked on screens, fingers swiping away. Instead of face-to-face chitchat, it’s face-to-screen time.

Ever noticed how the screens dictate our days? Morning alarms on phones, work on computers, relaxation with streaming services. Even that “quick peek” at social media is a 2-hour deep dive. Human-to-human interaction? Sorry, that feature isn’t available right now.

The screens, they’re everywhere. While they keep us connected globally, they might disconnect us from our very room. It’s kind of like living life in HD (High Distraction).

The Ghost of Conversations Past

Remember when a conversation meant shared laughter, nuances, tones, and the simple joy of hearing someone’s voice? Fast-forward to now: typed-out texts, a sprinkle of emojis, and the eerie silence of a read receipt without a reply. Yep, you’ve been ghosted.

Ghosting ain’t just for romantic flings gone wrong. It’s the new-age snub – the silent treatment 2.0. The joy of a buzzing notification quickly fades when no real conversation follows it. “Read at 10:45 PM” might as well read, “Ignored by a friend, again.”

It’s weird. Memories were made of shared moments, whispers, and deep talks. Now? Memories are a series of blue ticks, timestamps, and waiting for a reply that might never come. We’re in an era where the ‘seen’ zone is scarier than the friend zone.

Maybe it’s time to cut down on the screen gazing and up the human facing. Let’s resurrect the ghost of conversations past. After all, there’s nothing like the real thing.

Final Thoughts

As we journey through this digital age, let’s not lose sight of what truly matters: genuine connections. Screens have their place, but they shouldn’t replace the warmth of a hug, the joy of laughter shared, or the comfort of a shoulder to lean on. Enjoy both the digital and the real times. Remember that it’s okay to stop and get back in touch with the world, other people, and ourselves. Find a good mix and make sure that our “social” tools improve people’s lives, not worse.

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Social Media Is Making Us Less Social Argumentative Essay. (2023, Sep 06). Retrieved from