Snowball Vs. Stalin: a Comparative Analysis

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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George Orwell’s novella “Animal Farm” gives us two main characters, Snowball and Napoleon, who stand for different political ideas and ways of leading. Many see Snowball as a symbol of Leon Trotsky, while Napoleon stands for Joseph Stalin. By looking at these characters, we can better understand the Russian Revolution and how Stalin rose to power. This essay will compare Snowball and Stalin by looking at how they lead, their political moves, and their overall impact on their societies.

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Leadership Qualities

Snowball comes across as a smart and inspiring leader. He thinks ahead and really cares about all the animals on the farm. He likes to get everyone involved and encourages discussions. For example, his idea for the windmill shows his forward-thinking and his wish to make life better for everyone. On the flip side, Stalin’s early leadership was more about being sneaky and ruthless. He wasn’t as interested in ideology but was all about getting and keeping power. Stalin’s way of leading included purges, propaganda, and tight control that created a culture of fear.

Political Strategies

Snowball’s political moves in “Animal Farm” are all about democracy. He likes to talk things out and wants to bring in policies that help everyone. Snowball’s focus on education and progress shows in his efforts to set up committees and boost literacy among the animals. On the other hand, Stalin’s political strategies were all about manipulation and force. He used propaganda to make himself look great and had secret police to get rid of rivals and crush opposition. The Great Purge, for example, was a campaign of political repression that led to many deaths and imprisonments, making Stalin’s hold on power stronger.

Impact on Society

Even though Snowball’s time as a leader was short, he aimed to help everyone. His ideas, like the windmill, were about boosting productivity and making life better on the farm. Snowball’s leadership brought hope and a sense of progress. In contrast, Stalin’s impact on Soviet society was pretty harsh. His policies, like forced collectivization and rapid industrialization, caused famine, suffering, and death. The fear and oppression under Stalin stopped innovation and dissent, leading to political and social stagnation.


So, when we compare Snowball and Stalin, we see big differences in how they lead, their political moves, and their impact on society. Snowball, representing Trotsky, is more about democracy and vision, while Stalin, mirrored by Napoleon, is all about authoritarianism and ruthless power grab. George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” uses these characters to criticize the corruption of socialist ideals and the rise of totalitarian regimes. By looking at Snowball and Stalin, readers can better appreciate the historical and political messages in Orwell’s story.

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Snowball vs. Stalin: A Comparative Analysis. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from