Similarities between Frankenstein and the Monster

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On the surface, many stories offer a simple narrative, a straightforward tale of heroes and villains. Yet, when we dare to dive deeper, we often discover layers of complexity and nuance. Just like an iceberg, most of the story’s depth remains hidden beneath, waiting for the curious and the discerning to explore. In “Frankenstein,” it’s easy to label the monster as the antagonist and Dr. Victor Frankenstein as the tormented genius. But is it that simple? Are they just characters in a horror tale or symbolic reflections of our own internal struggles? By delving beneath the story’s surface, we are compelled to confront not just the fears of the unknown but also the unsettling truths about ambition, creation, and responsibility.

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Because sometimes, the real story isn’t what’s immediately visible but what lurks in the shadows, beckoning us to look closer.

Creations of Circumstance

Both Frankenstein and the monster didn’t exactly choose their paths. Dr. Frankenstein was consumed by ambition, that burning desire to “play God” and conquer death. He didn’t wake up one day and go, “Let’s create a monster!” Nope. He was driven by a combo of personal loss and the pressure to succeed.

On the flip side, the monster? Well, he never asked to be born – or, more accurately, to be stitched together and zapped to life. The world’s a tough place, especially when you look like, well, a monster. He just wanted acceptance and love. Can’t blame the guy, can you?

The Quest for Knowledge

Throughout history, humanity’s quest for knowledge has been the driving force behind our greatest achievements and, often, our deepest downfalls. This insatiable thirst to understand, to uncover mysteries, and to push boundaries propels us into uncharted territories. In “Frankenstein,” this very pursuit is embodied by Dr. Victor Frankenstein, a man consumed by the need to conquer the enigma of life itself. But his journey, fueled by pure ambition, is a stark reminder: with great discovery comes great responsibility.

As we navigate this tale, we see the allure of the unknown, the seductive pull of forbidden knowledge, and the consequences of unchecked curiosity. The monster, a direct result of Frankenstein’s relentless quest, becomes a living testament to the price of playing God. While knowledge can illuminate and transform, it can also blind and destroy.

Mary Shelley’s masterpiece poses an eternal question: Where do we draw the line between what we can achieve and what we should? In a world driven by innovation and discovery, “Frankenstein” warns of the perils of knowledge pursued without wisdom, reminding us that some doors, once opened, can never be closed again.

The Lonely Corridors of Despair

Heartbreak isn’t just about lost love or unmet dreams; it’s about the soul’s aching void, an insurmountable solitude. “Frankenstein” offers a poignant study of this despair through both its central figures. Dr. Frankenstein, lost in his ambitions, unknowingly checks himself into this metaphoric “Heartbreak Hotel,” alienating those he loves and facing the dire consequences of his actions. From the start, his creature, an embodiment of loneliness, roams its hallways, yearning for a connection that remains perpetually out of reach. In these haunting corridors, they grapple with rejection, regret, and the weight of choices made.

Mary Shelley paints a vivid picture of the human condition, emphasizing that the deepest heartbreak often stems not from love lost but from love never known or understood. In the end, both are trapped in the hotel’s echoing chambers, victims of their own unfulfilled desires.

The Periphery of Acceptance

The pain of being an outsider, standing on the fringes of society, and looking in with longing eyes is universal. “Frankenstein” masterfully captures this anguish through its central characters, emphasizing the desolation of being perpetually on the outskirts. With his groundbreaking ambitions and obsessive experiments, Dr. Victor Frankenstein voluntarily distances himself from societal norms. Yet, in doing so, he unintentionally becomes an outcast, grappling with the isolation his choices bring.

In stark contrast, his creation is thrust into the role of the outsider from the moment of his unnatural birth. Devoid of choice, the monster is rejected, feared, and misunderstood solely based on his appearance and origin. He yearns for human connection, a place in the world, but is met with doors slammed in his face, literally and metaphorically.

Mary Shelley’s tale underscores the profound human need for acceptance and belonging. Through the intertwined fates of creator and creation, she illustrates the harsh reality many face: being forever on the outside, gazing in. In a world quick to judge and slow to understand, “Frankenstein” serves as a poignant reminder of the deep wounds exclusion can inflict and the lengths to which one might go for a glimpse of acceptance.

The Blame Game

Blame is a dangerous game that can spiral into endless loops of accusation and resentment. In “Frankenstein”, the relentless dance of pointing fingers takes center stage. Dr. Victor Frankenstein, in his hubris, creates life yet shirks the responsibilities that come with his actions. When things go awry, he quickly places the weight of guilt squarely on his creation’s broad shoulders.

Conversely, the monster birthed into a world of isolation and rejection, holding Frankenstein accountable for his misery and anguish. Both are caught in a relentless tug-of-war, neither willing to acknowledge their part in the tragedy unfolding fully.

Through the intertwined destinies of creator and creature, Mary Shelley showcases the destructive potential of blame when it becomes a substitute for self-reflection and understanding. In a tale filled with horror, perhaps the true terror lies in the unwillingness to own up to one’s actions.

The Final Takeaway

So, what’s the big picture? Frankenstein and his monster are like two sides of the same weird, Gothic coin. Different experiences, sure. But deep down? They’re grappling with the same stuff: identity, love, and the consequences of their actions.

They’re a reminder that sometimes, we create our own monsters. And sometimes? We are the monster.

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Similarities Between Frankenstein and the Monster. (2023, Sep 07). Retrieved from