Autism Spectrum: Societal Perspectives

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Autism diagnoses in the U.S. have risen dramatically in recent decades, highlighting a need for greater research and support. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the year 2000, 1 in 159 children were diagnosed with ASD.

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In the latest version of the study, this number has changed to 1 in 59 children will be diagnosed with ASD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). This subject is particularly meaningful to me as I recently learned that one of my own children has been diagnosed with ASD. We are now working on a prognosis to allow him to lead as normal of a life as possible.

Education Challenges

Vocation, education, and culture are the areas where individuals with autism often face the most significant challenges. Navigating these areas often involves dealing with society’s perceptions of normalcy, which are often accompanied by limited help and resources. When it comes to choosing the correct educational placement for an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder, it can be challenging to choose the least restrictive environment. This complexity arises because no two individuals with autism have the exact same needs. While they may share some similar attributes—such as delays in spoken language, repetitive motor movements, distress from changes in schedule, and rigid thinking—their cognitive ability levels can vary greatly (Pratt, 2017).

On one end of the spectrum, you may have individuals diagnosed with Asperger’s, a high-functioning form of autism. On the other end, you may encounter individuals with low intellectual functioning who have the same ASD diagnosis. Just because they share an educational or medical diagnosis of autism does not mean they will succeed in the same type of educational environment. There appears to be a trade-off when deciding the best educational placement for students with ASD. Focusing more on academic needs may lead to behavioral issues, as students might not learn the skills needed to cope with stress. Conversely, focusing more on coping skills to prevent behaviors may cause students to fall behind academically.

There should not be a generic placement for individuals with ASD; instead, placements should be based on individual needs to avoid limiting potential. Student placement should focus on desired long-term outcomes. When discussing placement options, the educational team must maintain a focus on the individual's preferences and needs. Educational choices for individuals with ASD include placement in general education classrooms paired with general education students. This pairing assists students with ASD in socializing and learning proper communication skills from peers in a mainstream environment. Similarly, being taught in both special education and general education classes during the day aims to gradually integrate students with ASD into mainstream settings. This approach benefits both students with ASD and their peers by fostering awareness and a culture of acceptance.

Employment Opportunities and Challenges

After education comes employment, a crucial stage not just for typical individuals but for those with ASD as well. Individuals with ASD have the ability and desire to work, and the spectrum of work available ranges from sheltered workshops to supported employment to competitive employment. To understand these options, it's important to distinguish between them. Sheltered workshops are companies that employ workers with disabilities at less than minimum wage, often hiring a majority of people with disabilities. Supported employment involves wages with specific provisions, such as tax breaks, financial assistance, or job coaching, offered to the individual or employing company. Competitive employment involves wages of at least minimum wage, comparable to non-disabled workers performing the same duties.

There has long been a stigma that individuals with disabilities cannot compete with non-disabled peers for the same jobs due to perceived inferiority. However, history has shown that some of the brightest minds, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Claude Monet, Temple Grandin, and Albert Einstein (the last two diagnosed with ASD), have had disabilities. Research shows that people with ASD are not typical individuals with disabilities. They often rate higher than their non-disabled peers in trustworthiness, reliability, and lower absenteeism (Hendricks, 2010). This directly impacts the companies that employ them positively, as more work is accomplished, and there is less employee turnover.

According to Dawn Hendricks, individuals with ASD also exhibit increased attention to detail and higher focus ability, enhancing work output (Hendricks, 2010). The goal for individuals with ASD or other disabilities is to find competitive employment. Unfortunately, many people remain stuck in specific job levels indefinitely due to societal stigma. Transitioning to a less restrictive work environment is challenging, often hindered by misconceptions about their abilities.

Programs like California's Workability Program assist individuals in transitioning between work environments. The program offers pre-employment skills training, employment placement, and follow-up for special education students transitioning from school to work, independent living, or postsecondary education or training. Services are tailored to individual student needs, abilities, and interests. Workability seeks employers willing to give students with special needs a chance to prove themselves in competitive employment settings (California Department of Education, 2018). A lack of understanding of ASD among employers and coworkers often hinders successful employment for individuals with ASD (Hendricks, 2010). Autism awareness training could provide employers and coworkers with the knowledge to create successful work environments for individuals with ASD.

Cultural Perspectives

In 2016, the movie "The Accountant" was released, portraying Ben Affleck as an individual with autism wanted by the Treasury Department for laundering money. He appears "normal" with a few idiosyncrasies commonly associated with autism. This portrayal highlights a significant challenge for individuals with ASD: they often appear normal to the average person. They do not display tell-tale signs of their disability, such as physical deformities or obvious cognitive disabilities (unless coupled with other disabilities). When they do exhibit behaviors like hand flapping, meltdowns over changes in scheduling, or sensitivity to touch, it may catch their peers off guard.

Socialization with non-disabled peers is an area of extreme concern. Many individuals with ASD use social camouflaging to mask their social awkwardness and anxiety (Hull et al., 2017). They observe successful social interactions of their peers, usually taking extensive mental notes before participating. According to Hull, they will not become the alpha in social settings but will insert themselves when necessary. Changes in setting or social circle members can cause great stress, potentially leading to mental health disorders (Hull et al., 2017).

Although cultural values play a role in the onset and diagnosis of autism, they do not affect one culture more than another. Families' cultural views determine important goals. While most families value individualism, they often prefer to teach collectivism, emphasizing interdependence, cooperation, and compliance. A common goal for autism is to teach independence through academic learning, language, communication, and behavior management (Pitten, 2008). Ideally, family support, education, and acceptance build self-esteem for individuals with ASD, enabling them to venture into other social circles. According to Marisa Etheridge, practicing social interaction, positive self-awareness, and communication cues in a safe environment allows individuals with ASD to learn and make mistakes without judgment. This preparation enables them to use these skills in less structured settings, making social interactions more positive.

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder find themselves in a unique situation, having no tell-tale signs of a disability. This can be both a blessing and a curse. It affects their education through incorrect placement based on disability, their job status due to perceptions of disability, and socially, as they often lack the skills needed to participate in interactions without feeling awkward. Autism did not just emerge overnight, but it is becoming one of the most common disabilities in our society today. Individuals with ASD should be seen as individuals, each with unique strengths and challenges. Praising their strengths and addressing their challenges will help them become successful members of society. Once we achieve this, we will take a significant step toward becoming a diverse, inclusive culture.

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Autism Spectrum: Societal Perspectives. (2021, Aug 02). Retrieved from