Sandra Cisneros’ Short Stories

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Sandra Cisneros’ Short Stories

This essay will analyze the themes and style in Sandra Cisneros’ short stories. It will discuss how Cisneros addresses issues of identity, culture, and female empowerment in her narratives. The piece will explore her unique narrative voice and the impact of her stories in contemporary literature. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Feminism.

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Sandra Cisneros is an American short-story writer and poet best known for her award-winning storytelling of what is like for Mexican American women in America in the late 20thcentury. Her works typically come from a Mexican-American woman’s perspective and the issues that many of them face from familial issues to feminism and being voiceless in a tightknit culture.Cisneros obtained her English degree from Chicago’s Loyola University in 1976, and continued on to attend the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop in 1978.

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With her vast education she developed what was is the biggest theme of most of her writing, her true experiences as a Mexican-American woman in a culture that is alienated a lot. Due to her commentary being uncommon during her time, she gained major notoriety from the start of her career.Cisneros’s first book written was Bad Boys, published in 1980, it was volume of poetry. She gained international notoriety with her first novel of fiction, The House on Mango Street which was published in 1983. With the permission of fellow minority literary genius, Amy Tan, she was able to write a passionate novel. The defiance and rebelliousness in the tone of her work evoked a lot of emotion in the Mexican-American community, particularly among women. and was written to reflect her own memories as a young child where she spent most of it trying to be a creative writer in an anti-creative environment. Her other more popular work, Woman

Hollering Creek and Other Stories (1991), contains a collection of tales about emotionally battered girls and women feel that they have no power over the hands of the men in their lives. This collection of short stories explored the trials and tribulations that young Hispanic girls went through in feeling belittled and mistreated in their marriages. It also told the different perspectives of what it meant to be a Mexican-American woman in a male dominated society. Cicneros was a feminist author that paved the way for many young Hispanic authors to write and open up about the truth and issues faced of being a Mexican-American woman. 

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Sandra Cisneros' Short Stories. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from