“Salvador Late or Early”: Salvador’s Struggle for Childhood

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Updated: Aug 16, 2023
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Comparing Two Stories of Happiness and Unhappiness

I will be writing about two stories that will either result in happiness or unhappiness. They both have similarities and differences in many ways. When we read the story, you will notice both stories take place in America. One story is Salvador’s Early or Late and Native American Indian Views on Indian Affairs.

Loneliness in “Salvador Late or Early”

My first story is Salvador’sabout early or late, which I will prove that he was an unhappy and lonely person.

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In this story, we meet a 5-year-old boy named Salvador. “Inside that body too small to contain a hundred balloons of happiness, the single guitar of grief, is a boy like any other disappearing out the door, grows small and smaller to the eye, dissolves into the bright horizon, flutters in the air before disappearing like a memory of kites.” That quote tells us that he is a little boy that is a lonely and angry little boy. The reason why I feel that way is because Salvador does everything the mother should be doing, including taking care of his little brothers and providing for them. He is basically a father figure to his siblings. So he is doing all of that and missing out on a great childhood that he can have, which makes him a lonely kid; that’s why I feel like he’s an unhappy child.

Injustice in “Native American Indian Views on Indian Affairs”

My second story is about Native American Indian Views on Indian Affairs. I also feel like they are unhappy. “They told us to treat all men as they treated us.” It means that you should try to imagine how they want to be treated and do that. So when you put yourself in their shoes, ask yourself how you think they want to be treated. Therefore the reason why that quote works well is that Americans just came and took away Indians’ land, which was not fear cause they did not want to split it. That was selfish of us, and we did not treat them well. They deserve to be allowed in America with no hesitation. They were the 1st founders of America, and That’s why I feel like they are unhappy.

Parallel Struggles: Salvador and the Native Americans

I feel like the reason why Salvador’s Early or Late and Native American Indian Views on Indian Affairs are alike is because they both wanted something and really had to deal with what they had. For example, Salvador, early or late, wanted to be like the other kids that were on the playground having fun while he was thinking about the chores and responsibilities he had at home. When he could be living a kid’s life and having fun. From Native American Indian Views on Indian Affairs, The Indians wanted a piece of our land, but America was being greedy and did not want to split anything with the Indians. So when they thought of talking to America, we did not want to talk about it, so now Indians are living on a little piece of state all the way on the top of the map.

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"Salvador Late or Early": Salvador's Struggle for Childhood. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/salvador-late-or-early-salvadors-struggle-for-childhood/